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by PhilBixby Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:39 pm
Hi Andy, I'm doing it. I'm carless so was planning on getting the train down there. Mark's on the startsheet - not sure how he's getting there or where from tho. Mark!???

by like my bike Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:35 am
Hi Phil which Mark do you mean?


by like my bike Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:22 pm

Whats the SP on getting to Ryhill by public transport?


by PhilBixby Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:46 pm
Easiest is Virgin train at 16:44, arrives Wakefield at 17:23. It's about 7 or 8 miles from there to Ryhill, so should be there shortly after 6 and halfway to being warmed up! Getting back there are various trains via change at Leeds and there's a direct one at 21:50, gets to York 22:58, so lights needed for last bit of journey.

by PhilBixby Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:04 pm
Quick race report:-

About 50 starters for the second in the Wakefield evening series, 10 laps round an undulating circuit near Ryhill giving 35miles. A brisk race with little chance to catch your breath due to the short circuit. Won by a Doncaster Wheelers lad who went away in an early two-man break with chaingang regular Graig Gath, who got second. They were working sufficiently hard for Craig to be throwing up a couple of laps before the finish and the winner complaining of a nasty taste of blood in his mouth... ...okay, so the rest of us just weren't trying hard enough.

For Clifton, Andy had a solid ride up near the front throughout, and just missed out on adding to his points tally in the sprint. Young James Wagstaff put in a good effort, keeping out of trouble and moving forwards throughout the race to finish safely in the bunch. I was less fortunate - there was a big crash at the top of the downhill run on the back of the circuit and with about ten riders hitting the deck I was too close behind it to avoid it and became the eleventh! No damage to the bike but I was well off the back by the time I and a ragged-clothed group got back on and finished a couple of minutes down. Owwww me elbow!

It was a nervous race and the circuit was on narrow roads with a lot of fast-moving approaching traffic; there were very nearly a few further mishaps. The third in the series is on a different circuit in a month's time. Anyone else fancy a go?

by stevesavage Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:00 pm
Hope you're all right Phil. There is a thread about this on veloriders. It mentions a "riderless Cervelo" - was that yours?

by PhilBixby Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:35 pm
I suspect not - I was lying under mine! I was just about the last person to go down; I thought I'd weaved my way through until the bloke in front of me came off and I hit his bike and came off too. There were a couple of other Cervelos (an R2.5 and another Soloist) so riders stood a statistically good chance of hitting one!

It was an iffy circuit - there was a very potholey section at the foot of the hill where the crash happened, and everyone was pushing for the best positioning on the road. Still, first time I've come off in two and a half years, so could be worse. Am okay(ish) thanks, just a skinless elbow and bruising to my hip which means I'm walking with a rolling gait. Should be firing on all cylinders in time for Huddersfield next Wednesday!
by Broom Wagon Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:14 pm
Phil, whats the Huddersfield circuit like, any steep or long climbs (if so count me out), however if it's rolling and flatish, I seem to be coming into a bit of unexpected form. I had planned to have a go a road racing next year, but it seems a shame to waste it. Do you need BCF membership or can you turn up on the day and race. Also what is the category, 4th Cat? It's a heck of a long time since I've raced so I'm a bit out of touch.

by PhilBixby Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:37 pm
Hiya matey

The Huddersfield circuit's pretty hilly - a couple of short-ish sharpish climbs and then an interminable gentle drag up towards the start/finish. All big ring stuff, but if you're after flat, it's probably not the one to go for. It's 3rd/4th cat; you'd need a day licence so with entry on the line it turns into a rather pricey adventure.

How about the Tuesday evening TLI events at Boroughbridge? If you're already a TLI member then it's fifteen quid for three races plus one which you have to marshall. If not then there's TLI membership but it's only £16 and it counts for the Thursday SPOCO events etc. All of the circuits used are flat-ish or rolling, and the handicapping means it'd be a good way back into competition. First one of the second series is on Tuesday and a few of us will be riding over. How aout it?

by Broom Wagon Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:04 pm
Sounds like Wakefield is definitely not one for me. I like the sound of the TLI series though, but I might wait as I'd planned and start racing next year. I think in the meantime I will ride a few of the Fraz's Thursday chaingangs from outside York Cycleworks (Clifton one is the opposite side of York unfortunately) to see how I go.

Next year I shall be asking some advice from you chaps for recommendations of flat courses to have a crack at.

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