Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by nigelt Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:10 pm
Hi all,

For those of you who aren't aware, Sunday 28th June is Club Road Race Day once again- Phil is organising the LVRC race in the morning and I'm organising the BC 2/3/4 race in the afternoon. Same Race HQ as last year- Sheriff Hutton Village Hall, and same circuits for both races- Sheriff - Farlington - Stillington - Sheriff.

Please give consideration to helping out on this day- it's a great advert for the Club and for racing in our region. We always need drivers and marshals on the day, and it would be nice not to have to send the usual 'if I don't get another 2 marshals I'll have to cancel the race' emails the week before the scheduled date!

Please let Phil or I know if you can help out on the day- I will certainly require 4 drivers plus at least 6 marshals to keep the circuit safe.

Expect lots more emails requesting help between now and June!

Thanks in advance for your support.


by PhilBixby Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:56 am
Indeed! The veterans race in the morning will need four drivers (own car, petrol costs reimbursed, don't need to be BC members), plus marshalls to pair up with the professional traffic management bods (no experience needed, great view of the race close up, the power to stop traffic) and helpers for signing-on at race HQ, spotters at the finish line, etc. As Nigel says, it's the race side of the club's day in the sun and the event is great fun to be involved with.

I'll also flag up another date for your diary - on Sunday May 10th we're running the LVRC (veterans) National Championships for the 60+ age groups. This will be a morning race on the same circuit as our RR day, and using the same HQ. Maybe it's because I'm knocking on a bit myself but I reckon there's something inspiring about seeing riders between 60 and 80 years old having a good go at each other on the roads, so, again - helpers / drivers / etc needed. Sign up and help the nation's best oldies race!
by craigdabrown Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:28 pm
I can marshall for the whole day if required.

I've been a marshall at these races for the last couple of years and can confirm it is an enjoyable occasion and an easy and rewarding way to put something back into the Club.

These events can't go ahead without volunteers, so let's all make an effort this year to assist the organisers of all our Club events by committing to help out at the earliest request.

by mart66 Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:41 pm
As in previous years - is it possible to help at one and ride the other?

I would ideally like to help with the vets and ride the BC but only if you get enough helpers, Nigel.

by PhilBixby Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:05 pm
Timings are the same as last year so the ride one / marshal one arrangement should work fine as long as we get equal input from the vets and the young 'uns. Only differentiation is that drivers for the BC race need to be BC members, drivers for the LVRC event don't need to be members of anything. Marshals / helpers for both don't need to be members of anything. Riders for the LVRC race need to be 40 or over, riders for the BC event don't. :wink:
by Melly Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:54 pm
Having driven both races for several years and a BC member could some one advise me how I stand legally if I was to be involved in an accident as a company car driver that I dont own in a veterans race ??? !!!
by PhilBixby Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:04 pm
...and the elders speak!

The situation with LVRC drivers is this:- "This is included in our policy in that it is CONTINGENT COVER for drivers of vehicles being used on LVRC business. When we say contingent cover we mean that the driver should have his/her own motor insurance in force (this will be why BC ask for details of insurance etc for BC events). Only if the driver's own policy does not operate for some reason will the LVRC policy operate".

Hope that clarifies things.
by JohnS Sat May 30, 2015 12:38 pm

Happy to drive for the BC road race. I'll ride the Vets event in the morning and drive in the afternoon.

Phil I'll get my entry to you ASAP.


by PhilBixby Sat May 30, 2015 12:50 pm
Just bumping this up, since it's not such an early call anymore (yes, I'll be spending a couple of hours today inputting LVRC entrants into the start list - none of this fancy BC internet entry malarkey!).

For the vets race I've got so far:-
Drivers / Helpers:- Mart66, craigdabrown, Cam B - please can you all let me know if you're happy to drive?

I'll need four drivers and a minimum of four helpers (to pair up with the Traffic Management team). We've got loads of entries rolling in and I've booked good weather. Drivers will get petrol money, and everyone will get Your Bike Shed vouchers. Please can those who are riding the afternoon BC event help in the morning (and vice versa)? As I've mentioned elsewhere, stick your hand up for this and you won't get pestered again until 2016!!!
by nigelt Sun May 31, 2015 6:40 pm
Hi All!

Around 4 weeks to go so I need to try and drum up support for the BC Race (and Phil's LVRC race).

So far I have-

Sign-on- Me + 1 (hopefully Mel B will be available again)
Finish Line- Me + ? Helpers needed- more the merrier
Driver 1- Dave C
Driver 2- Melly
Driver 3- John S
Driver 4- Cam please can you do this?

Drivers please DM me your BC Member Nos, Car Registration details and dates of birth for the BC forms

Marshalls- I need a total of 8 marshalls to cover the various junctions and pinch points (junctions and Farlington Bridge will also have Community TM cover). So far I only have 1 marshal- Craig, so need a further 7 please. Don't forget that marshalls this year get a nice little voucher for tea for 2 at Your Bike Shed!

If you can, please give up a few hours of your afternoon to help with this race- it should be a great day all round, but it can't happen without your help. Any further Clifton members planning to ride the LVRC race in the morning, your assistance in the afternoon would be very much appreciated.

Please let me know if you can help?



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