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by GavinW Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:35 am
Appreciate this is a common theme but I just wanted to put the call out for some final volunteers for the fifth race in the NYERRL series.

The transition of this event from a 4th only to a 3/4 cat race has dramatically reduced the size of the volunteer pool (majority of volunteers for the event I organised last year were 3rd cat riders).

We still need 3 drivers (BC members) and 3 marshals. Race HQ is North Duffield (see the BC or NYERRL websites).

Please let me know if you or anyone you know can help.
by GavinW Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:31 pm
Thank you both for stepping forward.

I only need 2 drivers and 2 marshals now so we are almost there!
by GavinW Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:05 am
Only 2 more drivers required for the above race.

Only 13 days to the event now so please do let me know if you can help out.
by nigelt Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:06 pm
Gavin, I can drive, or marshal,

let me know which is best...


by GavinW Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:25 pm
Nigel if you could act as a driver that would be great. Thank you.

We now have the following volunteers; many thanks to you all for stepping forward. I could still do with a helping hand for sign-on but I'm still trying to press gang friends and family!




Mark Lunham

Chief Judge


Drivers can you please PM me your Full name, DOB, BC number, Vehicle Make & Model and Reg no so I can get you insured with BC.

I will send out further details next week but if any of you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks again for your help!
by GavinW Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:35 am
Fraz and I will aim to be at HQ for 17.00.

Drivers if you can aim to be there by 18.00 that would be great. If you can arrive sooner please let me know; you could potentially help out with signing on etc. Please try to park where you won't be boxed in ahead of the race.

Julie Rodman and Neil Prendergast will be our commissaire team for the evening. They will bring roof boxes and radios.

I still only have Fraz on finish line duties so please try to bring someone else along who can provide an extra pair of eyes.

If you have any questions please respond to this post or call me on 07710588841. Please PM me your mobile numbers.

See you tomorrow.
by Melly Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:08 am
GavinW I will be there earlier to help out. Come on people, from experience on the flat circuits 1 person on the finish line is not acceptable and is far too much responsibility for that individual !!!! :roll:

by mart66 Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:40 pm
Can any of the marshalls dash to the finish line once the race has gone past on the last lap?

At the race on Sunday the organiser pleaded with any riders that got shelled out early to come to the finish line and help judge...worth a try.

Definitely need another couple of smartphones at the finish line I think.
by GavinW Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:41 am
Thanks for the suggestions. We only have one volunteer marshal on this course but he has been briefed to get to the finish once the bunch passes him.

Craig the photographer may also be there so that will help.
by Sharpy Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:19 am
Another good event last night.

Do we know if it was a malicious act with the tacks on the course? I punctured a tub and a number of riders had them in tyres at the end, if we think it was on purpose should the police me informed.

It could have been very dangerous.

As it was it was just another DNF for me to add to a very long list for 2014....


by GrahamMartin Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:46 pm
I did wonder how come two hands went up right at the exact same moment. Wasn't it in Thorganby? Didn't spot any the two times I passed on my own.

Having been less than impressed with my state of being (heyfever playing up!), I nervously leapt at moment the lead car began to speed up, expecting everyone to jump past me, but no such charge occurred and lo-and-behold, I was off the front. Although a complete accident, I did manage a moment of enjoying the freedom! Unsurprisingly I was back in the bunch in no time (2 minutes, maybe?). Glad another Cliftonite was ready and waiting to shoot passed when I was about to be swallowed. Hardest bit was making sure I didn't just slide down the left side of the whole string - is there a knack to this?

The one moment I managed a move forwards of any significance, and the next I know, we're all stopping for a word from the commissaires. Ho hum. Setting off again, everyone seemed a lot more edgy and I was down the back pretty soon, then spat out about a kilometre after the Escrick corner, having never recovered from the corner/rise combo. I'm sure that rise is flatter every other day of the year! I checked my speed - 42.4kph - when I lost the group, so 26.5mph up to that point, including the wind down and restart. I doubt it was slower by the time everyone hit the line.

On the points front, we've clung on to 6th place, and we're the only club to have scored in every single round so far. Can we keep it up? It's the big one next, climbing-wise, so let's see!
by PhilBixby Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:04 pm
Full marks to Gavin for organisation last night - that man knows how to organise a race. Likewise thanks to the drivers and marshals. Overall average (setting aside the bell-lap pause fro a b******ing from the commissaires) was just a gnats under 27mph; at that speed I set heroics aside and just concentrate on staying off the back of the bunch as much as possible. I sat up just before the finish - when people are going grass-tracking it's a sign to back off, I reckon. I did most of the last lap with a drawing pin in my tyre, though it only deflated once I'd flicked it out after the finish. Definitely someone's idea of an anti-cycling protest, and a contrast to the cheers we got from other locals around the route.
by mart66 Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:33 pm
Well done Gavin and your team of helpers.

Always going to be a fast race on that circuit. Slightly disappointed with my riding really. It felt a bit twitchy in the middle of the bunch it rubbed off on me and I grabbed the brakes a bit too hard on a couple of occasions (though one time it was completely unavoidable as a rider stopped dead in front of me) much to the sound of grumbling from behind me. Fair enough.

Got to the front to the end of the second lap and,with a few others, tried to up the pace a bit on that stretch. Slightly disappointed to notice the hazard warnings of the lead car before seeing a flag being waved out of the window. I'm sure everyone's got an opinion as to whether the race should have been stopped or not but it obviously kills all momentum. I wonder whether the stricter stance employed by the Comms sounds the death knell for this circuit. It's so tight some riders are always going to take risks.

Tried to jump away before the sprint on the last lap, failed miserably but worth a go!

Sad to find out about the tacs/pins afterwards. It did seem like we were well supported along the course.


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