Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by PhilBixby Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:27 pm
Well, I was going to suggest the Malton/Terrington route for Saturday, but with Metcheck predicting 2 degrees and sleet, I'm thinking otherwise. The last time we did this route in poor weather the roads were half-flooded and we ended up with riders spread halfway across Yorkshire so...

...I'm suggesting we grit our teeth and do the southerly route across the flatlands one more time, and keep our focus on fast group riding. Tom pointed out to me that his cheque for the EYRRL entry has been paid in, and a quick check showed mine was too, so - if all the other Clifton entries are too - there'll be about ten of us wanting to be comfortable riding together in a fast bunch. May as well get some practice in then, eh?

9am in the square - two groups if there's lots of people.

by Cyan Skymoos Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:31 pm
See you saturday, I might do a Broomwagon and meet up with you out of town.
by timj Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:40 pm
should be there

by Cyan Skymoos Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:12 pm
I've just had a look at the weather forecast and it doesn't look good at the moment...I might give it a miss.

by Dr Dave Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:30 pm
Cyan Skymoos wrote:I've just had a look at the weather forecast and it doesn't look good at the moment...I might give it a miss.

Me too - still full of germs...

by Broom Wagon Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:45 pm
Starting to get cheesed off with what's seemed a long cold given the weather forecast and unlike Nixon I don't claim never to have been a quitter, so I'll give it a miss.

Good luck those of you that do it. Only cycling I'll be doing this weekend will be vicarious, reading Mark Beaumont's The Man Who Cycled the World, whilst I'm in bed with a nice cup of tea.

by tomf Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:39 pm
Forecast does look biblical. Wasn't planning on being there tomorrow, but does anyone fancy similar course for Sunday - when the weather looks mostly OK?

by Cam B Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:13 pm
Well.....I intended to go on the training ride this morning but after doing about 45 mins "warm-up" before aiming to head to the Square to meet up with the others, I thought better of it. Discovered that my "waterproof" gloves and jackets not that waterproof (at least when it comes to combating sleet) and since I felt much colder than when I started, it seemed the wisest option to head for home. I retreated to the shed and made use of the turbo.
Congratulations to any hardy soul(s) who did get out this morning.

by PhilBixby Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:22 pm
Well, it was indeed biblical this morning with temperatures around the predicted two degrees and snow falling steadily, but it didn't stop seven of us showing up at the square. We probably should have simply pointed at one another and chanted "Stupid! Stupid!" for a while and then gone home, but instead we agreed a truncated route for a two-hour quickie and headed out.

Sadly we'd not even got beyond Fulford when John suffered the first of two punctures he'd get; he admitted that only yesterday he'd been telling a number of people how punctures are rare events. Let that be a lesson to you all, boys and girls. By Stillingfleet Tim had peeled off to make sure he could get home okay, Jess had done likewise in favour of something warm in the gym, and Dave C had left in search of the feeling in his hands. The rest of us pressed on to Cawood but by then the slushy roads and distracted driving by passing motorists was making it all seem a bit unwise, so we turned for home and John's second puncture. Back home to a very large puddle in the kitchen (which I must remember to mop up later) and a hot bath - ninety minutes at a brisk pace but not one of the triumphs of the training season.
by timj Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:23 pm
Made it home ok and gload everyone else did as well i can usually put cold to the back of my mind and carry on but today after riding into York in pretty grim conditions i decided to cut my losses and head "for a hot bath" Not in my top ten rides of all times to say the least but just as i got warm and dry thoughts of a couple of a couple of hours on the rollers crept into mind............back to reality with the kids dressing up and me being a judge!
cheers Timj
ps how did Alan get on in his mtb bike race last week

by Allan Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:53 pm
Well I took one look through the window this morning and decided spinning classes in the gym would be more appropriate. Sundays club ride for me tommorrow perhaps...

Tim - bit of a no goer the mtb race. After the reliability ride the flu surfaced it ugly head and I deteriorated so quickly that by Tuesday afternoon I left the office, went to bed and did not surface again until Friday.

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