Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by PhilBixby Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:29 pm
As per the thread above, please say what you aim doing next year. Trying out new things? Improving PB's? Making more time to do the clubruns? Getting involved with the committee (yessssss!)?

Someone else can start this one going...

by Rob Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:34 pm
OK Phil,

Clubruns, YH weekends, mid week mtb, a few audaxes (ie similar to this year) but I may have a bash at this Trailquest millarky.

by stevesavage Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:26 pm
Far too early to think about next year, but I suppose my ambitions are the same:
- win a road race
- win an Open TT (may need to get a proper TT bike for that though)

but generally to enjoy riding my bike......

by PhilBixby Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:34 pm
Mine are part of a complex strategy of juggling family life, self-employment and trying to get better/faster without obsessing TOO much about training/weight/etc. Targets for next year will probably be:-

-Do a more structured winter's training, which will probably involve buying a turbo at long last and working myself a bit harder
-Get up to b****y 3rd Cat before my increasing age overtakes my increasing fitness and experience, but be more realistic about targeting BC races where I stand a chance
-Do more vets races, and get some prize money at long last
-Do more circuit races - maybe try to do all/most of the Hetton Hawks series
-Get the whole club clothing shebang running with less effort so I can put a bit of spare time into other aspects of organising things within the club
-Avoid crashing! whatever I think of between now and then..

by charlie Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:32 am
I've done two seasons in expert now. I've learnt the ropes and what I've got to do. I think top five in the NPS is a reaslistic goal. This would also ensure an elite license for 2008.
Third year lucky (and luck really was what I was lacking at certain points during this season!)!!
So there it is...

by MarkA Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:31 am
I'm with Phil on this - juggling family life and a busy job

Realistic targets

1. A full set of counting events in the open series
2. As many of our Spoco / Flat Earth events as i can manage

And if all goes well possibly:

3. Join Phil and gang in a couple of the vets handicaps

Would also like to continue / develop my mtb riding and at least attend a few events and learn more about the racing side - even if i don't pluck up the courage to have a go

by Paul B Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:25 am
Once again dependent on work commitments but:
- Win a road race
- Get round as many BC circuit race series events as possible
- Do local mid-week events such as Boroughbridge and time trial series...

by charlie Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:54 am
I'll be interested in doing some of the circuit series Paul.
I'll catch up with you soon anyway..

by MarkA Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:42 pm
Been reviewing the 3 peaks stuff


Might have to add another ambition - join Andy next year!

Andy - I think you entered again this year

Good luck and let us know how you get on

If i can motivate the troops we might even get over to take a look and cheer you on

I like the sound of the stream crossings heading up toward Blea Moor from Ribblehead :)

by Rob Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:13 pm
Yep, 3 Peaks is high on my "to-do" list, but maybe more realistic for 2008 for me.

by BroomWagon Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:08 pm
Here goes for anyone that's interested, my wish list for 2007:-

1. Get some weight off, hopefully get down to 12 stone so I can ride the Etape Du Dales cyclosportive in approx 7 hours 30min.

2. Manage to get a place on the Fred Whitton cyclosportive.

3. Ride the White rose classic cyclosportive.

4. Ride St Bees head to Whitby (via Hardknott) in one day (did Morcambe to Filey a couple of years ago and it was good fun).

5. Do Clifton Reliability at a faster average than 16mph (my average speed for the last two years).

6. Ride all the Audaxs I enjoyed this year:- Spring into the Dales, Three Bridge Audax, Tan Hill Audax, The Ron Kitchen and the Dales Grimpeur 220Km (and not miss out the 5 miles I did this year).

7. From April rarely miss the Tuesday night VC York Chaingang (yes I know should do Clifton's, but VC starts just down the road from work and finishes through my village).

8. Have a crack at some road racing - find some flat courses or perhaps do the Boroughbridge TLI.

9. Put something into the sport, rather than just taking out for a change, marshall a road race perhaps or organise an audax, got a route in mind (must talk to Mark A).

10. Try to be good company for anyone I happen to cycle with. I've done this sport for 15 years and I don't know what it is about riding a bike but it seems to attract a decent sort.

11. Didn't manage this, this year and it's more important than any of the rest. Not have anyone I know killed or seriously injured. :(

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