Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by Arthur Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:37 am
So what happened this weekend?

I managed a grand 13.6mph out into the wind for the first hour and a half of my ride yesterday.

by Rob Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:31 am
Heard that the Saturday clubrun numbered 17 and that there was barely room in the cafe at Knaresborough. Come on someone, tell us all about it!

The training ride yesterday went in a big loop round the back of Harogate via
Alwark Bridge, Markington, Ripley, Beckwithshaw and Panel. The cross-wind stretch through Killinghall was entertaining! It blew the cobwebs off shall we say... There were 7 of us and some fine riding on the front into the wind by the two Andys. Door to door I clocked 68 miles at about 18 and, for the first time in months, my bike didn't need cleaning!
Last edited by Rob on Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

by Dave B Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:18 am
Wimped out of outdoor riding at the weekend and settled for the home trainer in the comfort of my kitchen instead - don't know what York's been like, but incredibly windy in Leeds and Otley all week, so didn't relish the prospect of being blown all over the shop. Much calmer today and the sun's out; hope this bodes well for the remainder of the week, especially as I'm off to visit my folks at the weekend and ride the West Mids. 'cross league final on Sunday afternoon.

Dave B

by Dr Dave Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:18 pm
Heard that the Saturday clubrun numbered 17 and that there was barely room in the cafe at Knaresborough. Come on someone, tell us all about it!

At 10am only 3 or 4 of us had arrived at the square (including a new chap (Chris?) on a heavy-looking commuter bike without toeclips, and a young man - James who had done some of the TTs last summer) then suddenly a deluge of 'the usual suspects' appeared as well as a strong contingent of lady cyclists. So it was that 17 of us set off to Knaresbrough via Boroughbridge.

Halfway there Kevin thoughtfully allocated 2 routes to the 'Hares' and the 'Tortoises' (no slights intended!) and we split up to rendezvous at the Cafe by the riverside. Some sterling efforts from Howard on the front pulled the Hares along at a decent lick into the wind and we were ready for lunch by the time we arrived at tha cafe - at almost the exact time as Kevin's group.

The cafe lady looked rather flustered at the thought of providing 17 meals all at once for everyone but set to with gusto and we were all pigging away in short order.

As some needed to be home sooner than others we left the cafe in several small bunches, heading back the straightforward route via Tockwith. Chris ( I believe) was advised to return home by train as he was finding it slightly hard going. Although the wind had abated somewhat we were still wind assisted to a fair degree and motored home at a decent pace.

Arriving back in town in a small bunch Bernard was heard to say that he couldn't return home until he'd 'got 60 in' so after everyone had split off he and I put in an extra loop around the Knavesmire to Bish and home in good time.

by Jon G Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:41 pm
Now I dont want to sound like I'm making excuses but I've come down with a bad cold this last week which unfortunately has curtailed my cycling. Was hoping to make it this week but thought it best not to make matters worse by cycling 90 odd miles. Think I'll wait until I'm fully recovered. Consoled myself however by visting Cycle Heaven and purchasing some Clifton CC kit which i hope to model on my next outing.
Got told by CH to ask anyone looking to purchase any culb kit to reassure them they have loads in stock (various sizes) and come in and by the 'damn things'.


by Tullio Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:22 pm
I did battle with the wind yesterday morning for a quick loop around up to Easingwold and Hovingham. 55 miles and home for lunch but we did feel that the wind was aginst us 75% of the time?! Just kept telling myself that it must be do us good.

Gill joined the Cafe run on Saturday, having already done nearly 70 miles on Friday in the gales. As the roads were dry today she took her Xmas present for 'a quick spin' .......and did another 65 miles :shock:

All good practice for the Reliability

by PhilBixby Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:18 pm
"Got told by CH to ask anyone looking to purchase any culb kit to reassure them they have loads in stock (various sizes) and come in and by the 'damn things'. "

Oh so they'll have found the Size 54 bibtights that I've made three abortive visits to collect then - goody! :roll:

by Andy J Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:20 pm
I went to Dalby on saturday with Nick B for a couple hours of MTB, all the trails were really dry which amazed me given the amount of rain recently. Sunday saw me venture out with Rob and co for a trip out round Harrogate, was really windy around Killinghall but our reward was a fast run back in with the wind on our backs, superb ride.

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