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by Melly Mon May 11, 2015 7:43 pm
Hi all, just a quick message to say that I will no longer be available to drive any BC races, following discussions with BC's legal department after some issues I had whilst driving coms on the TDY, I have been told that having driven for them on local events, even though supplying all my details as requested, Ive put myself in a potentially serious position, in that I was never insured to do so !!. If you drive a company car, hire car, courtesy car or a pool car you are not insured by BC (Thanks for letting us know BC). You must own/be the registered keeper of the vehicle to be covered, ie if you take your partners car and its in her name then you are not insured !!!. If you are in this position please take the time to confirm before you loose your house, freedom and life if some thing goes wrong !!!. So im not happy I quite enjoyed it, im lucky in that ive been recognised ive done TDY, im doing the National Road Race Champs this week end and Otley Town Centre Races, but only because im driving a sponsor supplied car and they insure it not BC !! Not what organisers want to hear, but just be careful what you volunteer for, ive been lucky, had some close calls, but always managed to get out of it.
by RichT Mon May 11, 2015 10:36 pm

Before you scare off all potential drivers I think you've got that wrong! The BC driver insurance form states the following:
You must be
1. A BC member
2. Aged 21 and over
3. The "named and normally insured" driver of the vehicle.

The form mentions nothing about you needing to be the registered keeper of the car. If you've got anything in writing from BC please can you pm me so we can try to get to the bottom of this before the next Clifton race.
by Melly Mon May 11, 2015 10:38 pm
Rich ive had a long conversation with the legal people at BC today if you drive a vehicle in the group ive addressed they advised me you are not covered !!
by Melly Mon May 11, 2015 10:40 pm
My post may appear very negative, and that's not how its supposed to come come across!! If you own your own vehicle and cant or dont want to road race this is a very good way to get involved, and up close to local racing and you can climb the ladder and get involved with some serious racing, it is great fun its only taken me 3/4 years to get some serious races !! I went into this with very little knowledge, there is no training (wrong) and very little advise (even more wrong but that's BC) having had a very long phone call to BC's legal department today I am now more confident with what im doing, not how I normally operate and ive been lucky!!!. for those wanting to have a go, do it, its great fun, if you need any legal advice, sorry im a Professional Engineer not a Barrister, but I can point you in the right direction !!! Top Tip your far far better on closed roads as the statutory rules of the road are totally disregarded, you can drive as fast as required, where ever you like !!! but be very very wary on open roads, details supplied if you ask !!
by Melly Mon May 11, 2015 10:51 pm
RichT wrote:MellThe BC driver insurance form states the following:
You must be
1. A BC member
2. Aged 21 and over
3. The "named and normally insured" driver of the vehicle.

Working for an insurance company, I think the quote "reading the small print" comes to mind !!
by RichT Mon May 11, 2015 11:08 pm
There's no "small print" on the form so if you've seen some then it would be useful if you could share it with us.
by Sharpy Tue May 12, 2015 11:58 am
Seems to me the issues are more around the true ownership, if its a company vehicle or hire car you tend not to be the end owner, so you would need agreement from thr owner to use it for this purpose.

Providing you are the owner then you are confirming that you accpet the associated risks, then there is no issue.

Its about ownership and the effect that has on insurance,

by RichT Tue May 12, 2015 12:15 pm

I think you're probably right with that. I've sent an email to BC with a range of options re ownership and insurance cover and asked for yes or no answers to each. I'll put the response on here when I receive it.
by Dr Dave Tue May 12, 2015 1:14 pm
Another obstacle to the well-being of road racing in the UK.......

Keep pedalling!
by Melly Tue May 12, 2015 3:31 pm
Lets see what you get in black and white RichT, ive seen nothing, mine was via a lengthy telephone conversation. Sharpy its not just about agreement for use, its about actual insurance. Our company cars are insured to the absolute minimum to meet the road traffic act, even my personal belongings inside the vehicle are not covered The company doesnt need to pay any higher cover as ultimately they pay out as the insurer what ever so why charge your self a higher initial premium haha. Just found out ive lost my drive on the National Road Race Champs this weekend as the sponsor vehicle was no longer available :roll:
by RichT Tue May 12, 2015 6:48 pm
I asked BC the following:
"Please can you confirm what this clause means in relation road race event driver insurance provided by British Cycling:

"The named and normally insured driver of the vehicle."

Does this mean you have to be:
1. the registered keeper and have an
insurance policy in your own name.
2. A normal user of the vehicle which does not belong to you (eg your partner or parent) but you are named on the insurance policy.
3. A normal user of the vehicle provided by your employer for which they provide you with insurance.
4. A normal user of the vehicle provided by your partners or parents employer for which their employer provides you with insurance.

I think I've covered the more common situations to which I would be grateful of yes or no answers. But any additional advise would be welcome."

This is the reply:
"Hello Richard,

I have received confirmation that the answer is Yes to all 4 of the scenarios below;

1. The registered keeper and have an insurance policy in your own name.
2. A normal user of the vehicle which does not belong to you (eg your partner or parent) but you are named on the insurance policy.
3. A normal user of the vehicle provided by your employer for which they provide you with insurance.
4. A normal user of the vehicle provided by your partners or parents employer for which their employer provides you with insurance.

Kind Regards,"

This looks to confirm my understanding. If your situation is different or you are unsure and you have offered to drive for a race then you or the race organiser should email BC. They got back to me within the day.

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