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by Cam B Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:04 pm
Lined up for the Seacroft 3/4 race this morning. Seemed a bit cruel to have this race start at 9.30 what with the clocks going forward one hour as well :( But...we were all in the same boat. Pretty grotty morning..only 6 degrees and rainy. I have to confess that it was quite nice to drive off about 12.00 after the race and see all the guys coming to the 2/3/4 race ....didn't envy them at all as the rain had really set in by then and it wasn't any warmer.
Two other Cliftonites in the race but I only saw one: Phil B... who I did not recognise at first with his new helmet and visor...I thought you looked a bit like Billy the Cat from the Beano....You really do have to be over 40 to remember that! Sorry Phil..we'll all be wearing them soon :D
Although it was windy this morning it wasn't quite strong enough to break things up on the exposed bit between the flyovers. I did make a couple of efforts to get into moves even spending 2 k up the road on my own before being joined by a few others before we got swallowed up. My new mantra for this season being to attack more often :) Three guys did deserve to stay away when they opened a gap with 2 laps to go but got pulled back with a lap to go. My experience of the circuit helped and I managed to get into a decent position on the last corner. Had to make big effort to stay up there before and used my elbows a bit :wink: and managed to come thru for 6th. So pretty pleased with that.
by PhilBixby Sun Mar 29, 2015 7:39 pm
Billy the Cat here... ...all I need is the whiskers (give my aural hair growth a few years and it'll probably sort it out...) :|

As per Cam's report, not a hugely appealing morning; I'd ridden out wearing a plainclothes Gabba jacket and decided to forego the club kit and stick with it when the time came to pin the numbers on - a decision I didn't regret as it started chucking it down halfway through the commissaire's lecture. Apart from one attempt to bridge across to a break - which Cam was already safely ensconced in - and which got swallowed up shortly afterwards, I spent most of the race rotating between about a quarter and about threequarters of the way down the bunch. Having spent the entire winter training on my own, this was the first time I'd ridden in close company in the past six months, so it was really time well spent reacquainting myself with the bunch. When the rider in front of me locked his back wheel and went into the chicane sideways on the final lap I avoided the brakes, so I reckon my acclimatisation is complete. Well done to Cam for getting points - it was the usual full-width-of-road gallop and I lacked the nerve (or the elbows) to get up front, rolling in just behind the fast finishers. Good to see where I was in the overall scheme of things though - power meter numbers only tell you so much!
by DamianE Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:15 pm
Did the 2/3rd race at Seacroft yesterday afternoon. It was as wet and windy as Cam suggested but finished with a few dry patches. Didn't notice it stop raining which tells me I was too concentrated on not losing the wheel in front in the wind! Missed all the breaks through a combination of excuses, mainly, not good enough :evil: got 4th in the 'bunch' gallop but it was outside the points. Didn't seem to be that many finish though. Hopefully in the dry and a more up and down course I can get something later in the year. Let's see.

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