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by Cam B Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:12 pm
Plan to be out on Saturday. Looks like it going to be a little less cold so was going to suggest we go East. If anyone else fancies burning off a few turkey/mince pie induced calories and is planning to get out I’ll be at the Square for 9.00.

Happy New Year :D
by PeteN Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:56 pm
I hope to be out.
I owe all of you an apology if you were in my group 2 weeks ago. I committed an offence for which I am truly sorry. Mr Evington approached me early in the ride to discuss the matter with me, I could tell he was deeply troubled just from the tone of his voice. He had been preoccupied by the matter right from the square. As I recall his words were along the lines of "I've been considering your attire since we left the square Mr N. I'm sorry to say that the mis-match of orange and sky-blue top with black and red bottoms just is not acceptable". In a spirt of fairness, he went away to consider things further but again returned to confirm that "the kit choices just could not be reconciled with each other".
On my return home I took a long hard look at myself. I thought of Mr E's immaculate assoss as I stared in the mirror... I realised I had no option other than a full confession. Guilty as charged, it was an awful clothing selection. Chief prosecutor (Mrs N) agreed I was guilty and sentenced me to 2 weeks of no cycling and consumption of excess Quality Street. I have served my sentence in full. Lesson learnt, won't happen again.
by DamianE Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:24 pm
Well I'm glad you've taken the comments on board Pete. I was a little surprised my letters to Cycling Weekly and Procycling on the matter were not published as the matter of mismatched, ill considered cycling apparel is the cancer that is killing our sport.

You may be out tomorrow but there will be a FULL inspection of your choice of kit and bike tomorrow before you will be allowed to join in.

That said, whatever you were wearing last time, you still rode me off your wheel. So, he who rides fastest can do what he likes.
:D :lol: :twisted:
by Cam B Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:07 pm
Nice to get out on the bike and not having to worry about slipping on ice for a change. Still chilly enough to carry a kit Kat in your pocket without fear of it melting though. About 11 in the Square but our numbers swelled as we picked up a couple on route. We certainly started the 2015's training rides with a "Bang" which was the sound emitted by Andy's rear wheel about 20 mins into the ride. A 3 inch split in the tyre wheel meant his ride was over. Hope you got back ok Andy.....We kept things pretty steady doing the usual route up to Malton and throwing in a lap of the Stillington circuit after Sheriff. Unfortunately we did drop a couple of guys. Don't be put off though. Out of the four routes we do it is one of the more lumpy ones.
Managed to get a bit of extra mileage in with Damien, Mart and Richard which rounded out at 4.5 hour ride for me which is about as far as I want to go in a non-stop ride.

See you next week. :)
by PhilBixby Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:10 pm
"I thought of Mr E's immaculate ass"

Have you no idea how ruthless the media can be in getting incriminating quotes?!?

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