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by mart66 Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:27 pm
First race in a while for me last night. Clifton were well represented and I lined up with Tim, John, Max and Richard. A few other Clifton jerseys there too - including Damian who must have arrived just in time.

Still plenty of potholes past Flamingo Land and a few others on the route but the finishing straight is now as smooth as a race track.

A few early attacks came back - I saw Damian off the front a few times, but the group seemed to stick together. I kept myself tucked into the middle of the bunch until the last lap. I came to the front to see that John had got away with about three others. It was a good move but they got caught with about half a lap to go - apart from Ricky Feather who managed to stay away, just.

Knowing how twitchy it gets I got myself to the front for the final sprint. Coming up the hill I felt good and thought I was on for a decnt placing, alas, my legs gave way and I was swamped just before the line. Richard came past to, we think, claim 10th spot. Well done to Max too who finished in the top 10.

A good race, felt pretty safe and an average speed of 25.8mph (including the neutralised section).


by JohnS Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:08 pm
It was good to be racing again after my recent back problems.

As Martin said I managed to get into a good move with Ricky Feather and one of the Chevin boys. When we were still out through the bell on the last lap I started to think we might just go all the way. Unfortunately was not to be! Ricky was definitely the stronger rider and opened up a little gap on one of the climbs on the far side of the circuit. I saw it happen and should have immediately tried to close him down but was just coming off my turn at the front and waited for the Chevin rider to close the gap. He didn't and that was it Ricky was gone. I tried to chase but just didn't have the legs at that point. After the last climb another rider jumped across and we held off the bunch for a little longer, however the result was inevitable and we were swept up with probably half a mile to go. Ricky held out to take the win by literally a bike length. If only I could have held onto his wheel earlier!

Despite getting nothing it was great to be out in a decent break, but wow, it was so much harder in the break. Definitely the hardest race for a long time.

by GrahamMartin Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:09 pm
Sad to hear it didn't work out John, but well done to Max and RIchard. I'm awaiting an email with the results sheet from the commissaires, at which point the full results and new series standings will hit the website.

Not being a fan of that circuit, I showed up for the Cycleworks chaingang to find myself going solo. Passed Iona and didn't shout in time, but doubled up with another rider shortly afterwards. Just as John said, much harder work when there's no bunch to hide in!
by menticknap Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:48 pm
Hello all,

Thanks for talking about the good things about the racing last night, as being organiser all I ever hear about are the bad things!

1: Ricky Feather - Feather Cycles Racing
2: Tom Unwin - Hull Thursday
3: George Evans - Team Vertex
4: Luke Preston - Airedale Olympic
5: Jon Schofield - Team Cystic Fibrosis
6: Max West - Clifton CC
7: Edward Evans - Skipton CC
8: Julian Varley - PH Mas Cycling
9: Lee Morley - Ilkley CC
10: Jamie Tweddell - Albarosa CC

Hope you dont mind me using some of your words to do a write up for our local rag!
by GrahamMartin Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:53 pm
Do let me know if they put anything on their website, and I'll post the link on the series site (more hits = more reporting?). Will get on with my report.
by RichardD Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:19 pm
First race for a while after a crash into a ditch full of nettles at the div champs. Apart from the pot holes it is a nice course but always a bit mad at the finish due to the fast run in before riders slow up on the hill as those drafting want to come through. Had a heart in mouth moment as someone swerved in front with Tim just behind me. Would have felt even more guilty if I had taken out Tim as he followed me into said ditch last month. (probably safer to follow someone elses wheel :?). Thought I had just sneaked 10th but obvioulsy not. Hopefully, better luck tomorrow and sunday amongst the LVRC crowd.
Matt, the organisation was very good.
by MaxW Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:32 pm
Not a great race for me as a hard training week coupled with lack of sleep (kids...who'd have 'em ?) finally took its toll. A placing was therefore a bonus, however I must apologise to Tim for doing him a disservice amongst the argy-bargy to the finish :oops:
Hopefully I can come back next round with a bit better form and avoid the bunch sprint altogether !

by timj Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:24 am
Not a problem Max. .As for the race got away with ILmountains lad but with 2 of us and the bunch going at 26 plus it needed more people to keep it going and we got caught going up the finish drag.Feel ok at moment but never great but that is the nature of the beast i supose.Rich did really well to stay upright after being side swiped.

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