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by MikeR Sat May 17, 2014 2:34 pm
Four of us for the 08:45 in glorious sunshine - not an arm warmer in sight. With the wind coming from the West we headed out to Brimham Rocks. Out via Benningbrough and along some great quiet roads. Tony G on navigation duties again and some very strong riding into the wind with a fast chase down the hill from the rocks. 72 miles, average 18.5, max 43.2 for me.

Wind and weather permitting out into the Wolds next week.
by Dr Dave Mon May 19, 2014 11:17 am
Another splendid day out with the Club run on Sunday for me. The circuit of the moors was exactly as it says on the tin - a 140 mile anticlockwise route right around the North York Moors. Lovely sunshine meant superb views especially around Sleights and across to Osmotherley. Apart from stops for flats (3 for Steen and 2 for Rob) we made steady progress all day, the group of 8 all taking a share of the pulling duties. We made 2 excellent cafe stops at Gosmont and Osmotherley for much needed refuelling to keep the legs going (although I had very little left in the tank by the time I arrived home!).
Thanks to Rob and Steen for the route selection and to all for a really memorable day! :D

Keep pedalling!
by Darren N Mon May 19, 2014 5:10 pm
Just wanted to echo the sentiments of Dr Dave, it was a sensational day! Huge thanks to Rob and Steen for arranging the trip and shepherding us around, Steen had even reccie’d the route a month beforehand to make sure all went well on the day – and it couldn’t have gone better! 8 circuit-breakers answered the call on a beautiful day: in addition to Steen and Rob there was Andy G, Dr Dave, ‘Golden Boots’ himself Peter H, Pete P, new boy Tom and myself. Highlights for me included:

• We rocketed out to Forge valley - could have made it to a café in the main street of Scarborough by 10.00am. The trip North was equally as efficient, saw a sign that said 5 miles to Whitby - I hadn’t realised we’d get that far!
• Glad we decided to stop at Grosmont, lunch came at just the right time after the lumpy stuff had started to bite.
• I cunningly pointed out a sneaky flat track between Grosmont and Egton (I discovered on my Moors Marathon experience), however the boys were super keen to do the 25% percenter over the top to Egton – so that’s what we did! The barrage of lumpiness continued across Glaisdale, Lealholm and Castleton.
• Steen’s gravel track from Castleton to Commondale was equally adventurous!
• I really enjoyed the rolling road westward from Commondale cross to Swainby which was new for me, although I could have done without that monster climb out of Swainby towards Osmotherley. Cod Beck Reservoir was absolutely heaving with picnickers and illegal parkers which made it difficult to navigate a path through.
• Again, Osmotherley was a welcome stop and prepared us for the final push home through Felixkirk, Kilburn and Crayke where I was running on empty. We had some bad luck with punctures, and I’m sure Rob violated club run etiquette with his F1 pit crew-style, superfast changeovers which provided no rest at all for his flagging comrades!
• Somewhere near Huby, Rob spotted Andy G starting to sit lower in his seat with his hands on the hoods - this is Andy’s precursor to morphing into an animal, which he duly did and blasted us back from Strensall to the centre of town at 25mph!

A truly great day! Loads of miles and climbing, completely spent by the end. Huge thanks again to Steen and Rob for the ushering and morale boosting when needed.



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