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by PhilBixby Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:46 am
Well, forecasts for later this week vary between "couple of days of cold winds and some snow" (Met Office) to "Siberian-style freeze-up to kill us all" (tabloids). I'm reckoning more on the former and it being cold, possibly a touch icy but otherwise do-able with some common sense. Probably the southern route to keep on flattish well-used roads.

We'll split into (at least) two groups. Can I ask everyone to be prepared to put themselves in whichever group best suits their current ability? As an illustration, one of our regulars' threshold power is around 305-310W; mine is around 260W. That's about 20% difference. There's a lot to be said for riding with stronger riders when you're lining up for the season but not when it's still four months from the first race - let's have groups where everyone's working at the same sort of level.
by Sharpy Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:21 am
4 months from the first race!! My first race is planned as the 25th Jan... Just over a month away! :shock: :wink:

I should be out this weekend, as we are heading south I plan to meet up on route with the 1st group and make my way round and peel off at some point to pedal home.


by Melly Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:39 pm
Should be out.... but its my works xmas do starting in Leeds at 12:00 midday Friday, until lets just say, not quite Saturday!!!, I DONT expect ANYONE to wait for me at any point in the ride!!!!! :oops:
by mart66 Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:19 pm
Ha ha - that time of year again. I think Malton with the brisk group will sort your hangover out, Simon.

The festive party season means that I will miss tomorrow's ride. It's my wife's tonight so I'll be spending Sat morning looking for Ibuprofen, making breakfast etc.

Hoping to get out on Sunday and may tag onto the Cycleworks' ride.

Mind how you go tomorrow - I was out on the 'safe' Wetherby route today. The main road was ok but plenty of ice about on some of the lanes.


by Sharpy Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:20 pm
A good size swifter group met up with me just outside sutton upon derwent, all working well in to the typical headwinds on the southerly route.

I was struggling all ride but nothing to do with the pace just not feeling it today.

For the out of town bit I was with the group we averaged 20.5mph, another good ride all round.

I turned off just before Stillingfleet and rolled home to Selby,, good riding guys.


by PhilBixby Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:50 pm
Cam took charge of the brisker group once again leaving The Steadier Seven (got to be a movie title there) to follow them out onto the southern route. Greasy roads and someone had obviously over-lubricated Nigel's light bracket but very steady progress throughout. No dramas, general good behaviour by other road users and a few cheery greetings returned by members of the non-cycling public. Who could ask for more? 191W and 18.6mph for the out-of-town fifty-odd miles. Many thanks, folks!
by nigelt Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:42 am
Out with the steadier group today with 7 of us working well all ride. John S and I were 'saving our legs' for the vets' CX race at Yorksport today, but even so, after a heavy week's riding my legs were feeling it by the end. The ride was punctuated with short stops for me to recover my Lezyne rear light which kept bouncing out of its mount whenever the road got rough(er!).

Great ride, good company and some good base miles in the bank. See you all next week :D

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