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by AndyM Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:31 pm
Let's do the easterly Malton loop this Saturday - see you at 9am in The Square as usual.

Who's away racing this weekend?

by nigelt Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:22 pm
I'd hoped to get an EOL in the Out of the Saddle 2/3/4 but it looks like they're oversubscribed. Should be out, Malton sounds good. See you at 9 :D

by mart66 Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:11 pm
I'll be out.

Feeling better at last.


by JohnS Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:47 pm
That's a shame Nigel, I'm currently the only Clifton rider down to ride and its always nice to have a friendly wheel to follow :)

Having said that if this rain continues might be a few DNS!

It's another of these really short circuits (25 laps of a 2 mle circuit) so another sprint, breath, sprint, breath, sprint etc event.

Works ramped up over the last couple of weeks and I haven't been getting out as much as I should so we'll have to see how we go. Lots of pesky 2nd cats as well!

Still I'm sure it will be fun.

As a result I wont be out tomorrow so enjoy Malton.

See you all soon


by Paul W Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:51 pm
Hi guys.for those doing the malton route tomorrow.I've just drove on that road and lots of standing water around and 150 yards north of buttercrambe's well under water. Have a safe ride.

by nigelt Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:58 am
7 of us in the square today and after a brief chat about the potential for swimming at Buttercrambe we opted for the North loop, led ably by AndyM. A very strong group meant a brisk pace from the off. When we hit the A168 at Walshford the tail wind and single pace line soon saw us rolling along well in excess of 40kph. Indeed, the pace, coupled with the little rises along the way saw me off the back about halfway to Boroughbridge- even off the back I was rolling along at 40kph but couldn't get back on.

Thankfully Andy dropped back for me and pulled me back to the group just as we left Milby- thanks Andy :D

The group pretty much stayed together after that for the return into York via Sutton and Strensall, still at a good pace. A really strong group today. I was blowing at times, especially into the wind, but short turns (for me) and some good wheels to follow enabled me to stay on.

Thanks for the ride, a hard session coming into the season's end, but one that I really enjoyed.

Hopefully out next week for more.

by AndyM Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:23 pm
Thanks, Paul, for the heads up!

As Nigel said, we didn't fancy paddling so opted for the safer option and headed north for Boroughbridge and Easingwold. Made good progress with a strong group and a favourable wind.

After the turn toward Helperby the wind became pretty hard work and stayed that way all the way back to York.

A good ride with everyone working well together, a nice one for my last club ride of the season! 22.2mph for the 50ish mile out of town bit for those interested in numbers.

Thanks folks, and good luck to those racing this weekend!

by mart66 Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:54 pm
I wasn't sure about my fitness at the weekend after a couple of weeks off (although admittedly I haven't been sure about my fitness all year!) so was glad it wasn't quite a repeat of 2 weeks ago.

Decent pace going down Boroughbridge road and I though we clipped along quite nicely back into the headwind. Fear of running empty meant that I cut a few of my turns short.

I think I'd reached my limit coming back into York when I couldn't get round Michael and get off the front. Had to swing off and go to the back of the group which probably confused things a bit.



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