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by Cam B Sat May 25, 2013 5:11 pm
Dishforth races today with good turnout from Clifton. I did the 4ths only race first. Felt lousy initially…any surge in pace left me struggling a bit. Had to give myself a stiff talking to halfway round “ pull your finger out, etc, etc…” . Ended in a bunch sprint. I actually thought I was going to get distanced in the last 800 metres - as we lapped the women - but went past a shed load of riders who faded badly and finished in top 10 I think – hopefully 7th or 8th so not too bad in the end. If that’s true.. I now move to 3rd Cat which I am chuffed with. Without wishing to steal their thunder, Richard and John did rather better though :) . 15 mins later I was on the start line in the 3rd/4ths race. Strangely enough legs felt much better…probably helped by being warmed up and it was actually a slighly less aggressive race…. Had a couple of digs but it wasn’t happening. Bunch sprint livened up by a crash. I was out of the points in the sprint this time…Felt reasonably ok but way, way too far back and not too many riders “died” on the run in this time. Favourable wind on the ride home in nigh on perfect conditions so a decent day all round :D

by nigelt Sat May 25, 2013 7:03 pm
As Cam said, a good turnout today by Clifton and, I have to say, a good showing in the races too! I rode the 1st 4 Cat race with Cam, Richard and John. Always a Clifton jersey at or near the front with a good result by the other 3 at the end. I was in the wrong place in the bunch coming up to the sprint so when a load of riders faded 100m from the line I got caught by the sudden loss of pace, almost rear-ended the Albarosa rider in front of me and then found myself gaining a load of places as we reached the line, but too late. Guess I finished somewhere around 15th, which is a good result for me.

Having learned from the first race, when I lined up for the second 4th Cat race in the afternoon with John and Melly, I made sure I remained at or near the front for the whole race. There were very few willing to work so John and I spent a good bit of time on the front, as did Andy Johnson of Yorkshire Velo. All of us had a dig off the front but nothing was getting away. I was feeling pretty good on the last lap with half a lap to go, and was sat in fourth or fifth wheel determined to at least get some points from the day.

Then I punctured! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhhh!

Finished last having chucked my bike in the back of the commissaire's car, so at least I didn't have to push it round the rest of the circuit. Gutted as I really felt like I was in with a shout of placing for the first time ever. Given the performance of Cam, Richard and John I would have liked to have at least had a go at the end.

In all, a superb day, well organised and with a fantastic outcome for a number of the Clifton team. Well done Cam, Richard and John for outstanding results :D

by JohnS Sat May 25, 2013 8:28 pm
Good day out at Dishforth today (not often you hear that!) for the circuit races organised by new club Albarosa. Really well organised and bright sunshine for the first 4th Cat race at 11am. Not a very exciting course essentially being a big loop around the airfield, but the surface is generally good (except the odd huge landing light!) and it's safe.

Decent field for the first race and after a gentle half lap racing started in earnest. Few attacks off the front but nothing that was going to stick. Altogether on the last lap and felt well positioned coming into the sprint. Richard came past and I dived on his wheel and just hammered with legs screaming.

Grabbed 4th place, my first BC points ever and absolutely delighted.

Decided not to join Cam for the 3/4 race but wait for the second 4ths race at 2pm. This was an odd race. A smaller field and quite a few who had raced in the morning so maybe not exactly fresh legs but very few wanted to work. Had a couple of digs off the front but again nothing that lasted. Went to the front a number of times just to inject a bit of pace. Not particularly tactically astute but can't see the point if you're not going to race! Thought I'd picked a good wheel to follow coming up to the last corner but got it wrong. Andy jumped far over on the left and I jumped as well. Running 2nd as we approached the line but Andy had gone very long and suddenly riders were up on us. Kicked again ( although with hindsight later than I should have) and dived over the line.

Quick check of the final positioned and I'd managed to grab 5th. Andy got a well earned 2nd just being pipped on the line for the win. Gutted for Nigel who had done sterling work on the front and deserved something for his efforts.

11 points in one day and I've made 3rd cat. :D

Thrilled and a great result overall for Clifton.

by RichardD Sat May 25, 2013 10:53 pm
Perfect day to be riding and managed to be in short sleeved shirt and shorts for only the second time this year. Only rode the morning race due to having to be at my 2 year-old neice's birthday party later in the afternoon. Others have given a description of the race. Lots of active Clifton riders but most of the opposition were happy to close down a move rather than consolidate a break. The sprint was odd. Was half way back and started to rev it up with about 400 to go thinking I had left it too late again, and without any warning it was like the parting of the red sea. Found myself with no one in front with about 100 to go and managed to hold on for the win, more in shock than anything else. Although it may only be a 'chipper' I was hoping for a win this season and can eventually retire happy. Later on had jelly and ice cream for the first time in about 30 years to round off a surreal day.

by PhilBixby Sun May 26, 2013 5:23 pm
Well done the lot of you - a cracking day's work. The 4th cats group will be the poorer for your departure in the remaining Chevin races but the 3rds are much more where you belong (until you get your fingers out and hit 2nd cat :wink: )

by Dr Dave Sun May 26, 2013 7:18 pm
Seriously well done to all today. A deserved reward for all your efforts over the winter. Respect!
by like my bike Sun May 26, 2013 8:50 pm
Well done to Rob Gray for taking part in the NW Youth Tour.
Last edited by like my bike on Mon May 27, 2013 7:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.


by nigelt Mon May 27, 2013 4:11 pm
Photos from the first Cat 4 and the 3/4 race at Dishforth here:

Some decent photos inc a good one of Richard's win :D
by timj Mon May 27, 2013 7:50 pm
Well done all @ Dishforth.Sounds like a real good day.It has been coming the way the club has been showing in races all season.Well Done

by mart66 Mon May 27, 2013 8:29 pm
Great stuff, guys.

Good to see the training rides paying off.


by tomf Tue May 28, 2013 8:27 am
fantastic results! well done all...
by alanbacon Tue May 28, 2013 12:06 pm
like my bike wrote:Well done to Rob Gray for taking part in the NW Youth Tour.

Thanks for that Andy. This is a five stage race over 3 days on closed road cicuits at Preston, Lancaster, and Blackpool

Rob competed as a youth A rider and his race went as follows;

1st stage 1 mile TT in 2.09 and 14th place.
2nd stage finished in bunch but down to 16th overall
3rd race caught behind crash but chased back on to finish in bunch 16th overall. race average 27.2 mph !
4th race again in lead bunch 16th overall on GC about 20 secs down on leader
5th race DNF !!!

last day was atrocious with constant rain and a stiff breeze. Rob was gridded 16th at the start and in leading group until lap 12. Group was down to 25 riders at that stage and he didn't make the turn at the top of the course.......hit the sea wall and his race over. Not injured but unable to continue due to mechanicals.

Fantastic weekend of racing. He did the clifton jersey proud and it was great to see him sat among all the big team riders. He was heading for a top 10 -15 placing overall but we learnt a few lessons and will be back next year.


by GavinW Tue May 28, 2013 5:44 pm
Fantastic results gents. Sounds like there's going to be a shake-up in the regional rankings!!

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