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by PhilBixby Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:10 pm to a good home for anyone who wants to give 'em a try, on the basis that if you like them you buy your own and put the old ones up on here for anyone else who wants a try. 53/39 130BCD, a year or so's wear but some life left in them.

I've used them the past three years or so and liked them. Not convinced about the extra power claims but they do seem to help reduce fatigue and help with spinning the pedals round when you would otherwise (for example on steep hills) struggle. I was convinced enough anyway to go for the more drastic option and give O.Symetrics a try....

by AndyM Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:19 pm
Would love to try your q-rings but unfortunately I'm a 110 BCD'er at the mo! Let me know how you get on with the O symetrics though, Phil.

by Cyan Skymoos Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:39 am
I'd be surprised if they made any difference to you Andy, You look like you pedal nice smooth circles.

I'm sure they're a passing fad, why did Shimano stop making the Biopace rings and why have I seen pros with round q rings painted up to look oval?

by PhilBixby Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:08 am
I met a lass with her bike on the Leeds/York train the other day with Biopace rings - she reckoned they were really cheap as no-one wanted them, although she reckoned they were fine for general pootling. They basically got the ovality the wrong way round, and hence were worse than round rings.

I'm not so sure about Darren's diagnosis re smooth pedallers - it's interesting that a number of the pro's using oval rings are riders with very good technique - Wiggins, Millar, Sastre etc. Early experience with the O.Symetrics is that they feel awful if you just stomp on them, but if you pedal properly they feel lovely.

The jury will probably be out for many years, but I agree that Rotor made a major marketing error when they faked up their round rings with oval paint-jobs. Anyway, the Q-Rings have been taken...

by Cyan Skymoos Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:16 pm
Exactly Phil, It would appear ovalized rings encourage you to pedal smoothly but if you've already got a very fluid action, smooth through the top and bottom, which Andy obviously is, you are only going to change because you believe the go faster uphill/ increased power output and reduced lactate claims...and if that was the case every pro in the peloton would be on them.

by PhilBixby Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:14 pm
Well... ...there's the sponsor's equipment thing, ie money. Anyway, have powermeter, will report back when I'm used to 'em! (Not claiming my pedal actions as smoooooth as Andy's but I've been working on it a long time...) :wink:

by AndyM Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:10 pm
I guess I'm a little bit of a tech geek in the sense that I'm a slightly interested in what Phil's little red box says about the rings, but mainly I'm keen to see how they are when climbing or time trialling, because I guess as well as encouraging a smooth pedal stroke they might also help you keep on top of a gear? Either way, I don't think I'll ever be able to justify the expense without trying them first, and round rings seem to do the job just fine for the moment. Maybe I could get my brother (who is doing a mech eng degree) to machine me a set for free at uni? :P
Last edited by AndyM on Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

by Melly Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:39 pm
Wiggins only uses the ovals for TT not for racing, not sure why, I have read some research by a couple of universities that seem to back up the theory, am i convinced, not sure, tried them at the NEC but not exactly the right environment in jeans and trainers to evaluate to any degree. Am i keen to try them properly Yes, to quote a certain Team ethic "incremental gains", but its an expensive experiment!!!

by PhilBixby Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:16 pm
"Wiggins only uses the ovals for TT not for racing..."

...not according to a quick google for "Wiggins tour bike" which shows O.symetrics on his Dogma roadbike in every photo...

Yes, they are expensive to just take a chance with. But I'm a sucker for this kinda thing, and the Q-Rings certainly worked well for me. Will report back... :wink:

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