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by reubenbarrett Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:05 pm
I have just received this from the organiser of the Seacroft race on 25th March:

Dear Entrant

I am currently reviewing the entries I have received for the race as I have over 130 for a 60 man field. In view of the high number of entries, I have already applied all the published criteria and may need to limit the maximum number of riders per club.

I have received 7 entries from Clifton CC.

Could you please consult with each other and provide me with a list of names in priority order for selection.

If I do not hear from you by the closing date of 4th March 2012, I will make my own selection.


Ian Hirst

Any suggestions on what we should do?

by Cyan Skymoos Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:15 pm
I've told Ian to return my entry. I only entered as it's on the doorstep, but it isn't my favorite circuit...not selective enough.

by PhilBixby Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:42 pm
I'm one of the other five. This happened last year too and we went through a rather tortuous process of debate and introspection. I suspect that the best way - unless anyone else really isn't too wild about Bishopwood and is happy(ish) to step down, we should simply tell Ian to choose. He does, after all, only say "may" need to limit.

Everyone's thoughts appreciated though.

by Cam B Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:13 am
I am happy to leave it to Ian to decide
by timj Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:10 pm
me too

by mart66 Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:35 pm
As a newcomer I don't mind taking a back seat on this one.

by Cyan Skymoos Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:33 pm
As a newcomer you want to be racing, got to start somewhere. Anyway looks like maximum of 4 will get a ride. I've offered to help, so I'll be down there to see a Clifton rider win.

by PhilBixby Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:20 am
Okay, will do a collective email to Ian saying "you choose" unless anyone screams within the next couple of days.

by reubenbarrett Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:01 am
I'm happy for Ian to choose. Thanks Phil for sending email off to him. Hopefully you can play the "Clifton are organising races as well" card!

by mart66 Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:53 am
I have now received my official rejection. Hopefully the rest of you get in.

by PhilBixby Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:37 am
Entry returned here too...

by Tullio Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:30 pm
I don't know how you road racers keep your spirits up sometimes. It's hard enough to plan, prepare, stay focussed for events that are in a calendar anyway but you guys just seem to get so many knock backs.

It must be like standing on a platform and every train that turns up is full.

by PhilBixby Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:36 pm
"The beginning is now and will always be
You say you lost your chance, then fate brought you defeat
but that means nothing, you look so sad
You've been listening to those who say you missed your chance

There's another train, there always is
Maybe the next one is yours
Get up and climb aboard another train.."

(Words and music Pete Morton!)

by Cam B Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:39 pm
That's great!! Can't top that....Just to say that I have not got a ride either unfortunately....But, on a positive note, I do have a ride in the Hull Thursday RR in April....There is something to be said for these races which offer places on a first come first served basis...

by reubenbarrett Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:19 am
My entry has not been returned (yet) so fingers crossed...

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