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by PhilBixby Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:48 pm
Since it looks like I'm back in the Seacroft Wheelers RR (via the Reserves door) I'll cancel my trip down to The Fleche Waltonne this weekend and will be out to join in the fun that is the Saturday Training Ride.

Suggestion for this Saturday is to repeat the session round Bishopwood (but in slightly more thought-about groups than last time) since it'll be a final dry run for the club squad who are doing Seacroft, and a good speed top-up for everyone else. 9:00 in the square, steady ride out (and back) as a group, and six fast laps when we're there.

Incidentally with the clocks changing in just over a week's time, the Tuesday night chaingang will kick off. Once it does, it should provide the weekly slot for fast, race-pace group riding, and the Saturday training ride can revert to longer, lumpier, more scenic routes - rather like the one Tom served up for you last weekend, by the sound of it.

by Dr Dave Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:56 pm
Certainly different challenges on the lumpier routes. One of the advantages of the Sat training ride is getting a.good dose of faster riding than the 10am offerings whilst still getting back by lunchtime.

by Tobzlerone Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:02 pm
is bishopwoood circuit the seacroft one or a different one i havent done yet?

by PhilBixby Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:24 pm
It's the one you did before - will be used for Seacroft Wheelers RR.

by JohnS Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:39 am
Not out this week guys...away on rugby tour with my eldest!

Hopefully see you next week if I get back in one piece

Have a good ride

Best regards


Hope your liver is suitably prepared :wink:

by Broom Wagon Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:24 pm
Shame you're not along John.

Forecast to be dry and sunny - I shall have to give my new carbon wheels a blast - don't think they'll make make me any faster but they certainly match my bike.

by PhilBixby Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:10 pm
Once again, just over a dozen out for the training ride, and more unusually - blue skies! Still chilly - most of the knees were still under wraps - but much more like it. Out to Bishopwood without drama and split into two groups of (at least to start with) equal size. I set off with the first one which included Broomwagon, Jess, Toby, Dr Dave, Rich and the two Team Swift lads.

A good ride by all concerned resulted in six brisk laps with pretty much everyone sharing the work most of the time. 32 miles in 1hr 26, so a touch over 22mph average and (for me) 243W Normalised Power. A good final group session before Team Clifton (or what's left of it after the race organiser slimmed us down) attack the Seacroft Wheelers RR next Sunday.

Which reminds me - Go Cam at the Fleche Waltonne tomorrow!
by timj Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:41 pm
Hi all
Good luck Cam.
Training ride second group for me and Wayne Andy Dave C and Paul.Soon down to three after Paul dropped out as he was racing tomorrow and Dave C slid out to solo the whole ride,hats off .We were a nice tidy bunch going bit and bit for 3 or 4 laps then2 or 3 laps of pace lining with aprrox 30 seconds at front giving others a bit more recovery but not reducing our pace,all in all pretty much what you expect with 3 driving it on ie hard work,just what we stats as i wiped them off on way home but you bet Hr was pretty high.

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