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by Rob Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:45 pm
Well, what have you all been up to?

Did anyone ride the Hull Thursday 2-up?
Any MTB?
How was the Saturday training?
How about the Sunday training group?

We got our money's worth on the club run today. 9 rode together to near Masham. Three peeled off to Thorpe Perrow for a cafe and straight forward ride home (how did you get on?) The rest of us tackled Jordons Moss. It started raining at the top but we stayed pretty dry to the cafe in Pateley. Hard ride home in the wind and rain this aft and after a lap and a half of our estate I got 100 miles on the clock. Top "hardman" points go to Tony and Matt who rode in from Pock this morning, did the ride, then rode home!


by paulM Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:51 pm
The Hull Th 2 up was actually the Hull CRC 3 up today - the Hull Th 2 up is in 2 wks!
Anyway the "training group" consisted of myself and Iain M and we headed out to Wetherby / Sicklinghall / Norwood Edge and back up Penny Pot Lane / Killinghall / Scotton and back over Aldwark Bridge which is where it started raining. Left Iain at Shipton as had to creep back to Copmanthorpe to pick Peter up - about 80 miles in 4.5 hrs for me I suppose?
Back to racing next week - it should be easier than this?

by mal Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:46 am
For the second weekend running I was stuck at home trying to get rid of a spectacularly s****y cold although I did manage a whole 20 miles (punctuated by several snot breaks) on saturday AM. With a bit of luck I might be out with you next Sunday.

by Arthur Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:37 am
Paul and Ian ended up not far from where I was, but I didn't get out of the house till 11 :) Went to Beckwithshaw and back. I might have gone futher but it really started lashing it down at Beckwithshaw and the ride back into the rain and the wind was less than fun.

by MarkA Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:03 am
Just a couple of hours for me
New chain and clean out of rear hub seems to have solved a few of the fixed wheel issues
Mind you i think i only went as far as Paul and Iain did in one of their hours
An eye watering account from Paul - look forward to hearing version of events from Iains perspective :)
See you tonight

by Iain M Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:33 pm
Yes, we had a good tempo ride yesterday. As Paul mentioned, the weather started to deteriorate rapidly after we crossed Aldward Bridge, with high gusty winds, rain, and a noticable drop in temperature (and increase in wind chill). The final few miles were somewhat 'character building' :lol:

by PhilBixby Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:42 pm
The Saturday training ride continued the recent tradition of getting quicker every week; just about bang on 19mph ave. A few people dropped off but gathered themselves together and still rode round at a brisk 18mph.

I got out early on Sunday on my own; did Joe Freil's "form sprints" and then a steady ride for about 3hrs total, back and showered just in time to do some gardening in the rain - you just can't win...

by BroomWagon Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:21 pm
Bah!!! Kids party on saturday, pesky kids will keep on having birthdays, then as a result of the party came down with a stomach bug for Sunday and I'm off work with it today as well.....pesky kids!!! That's three stomach upsets this year, I'm getting really fed up with talking on the porcelain telephone :evil: . Still look on the bright side, every time I get one of these things I lose two pounds.

by Kit Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:23 pm
My first race of the season was the Ribble Valley Fylde RR on Sunday. Very flat and very windy with rain for the final half hour. Johnny McEvoy (speedy junior) won from a break of eight with Alex Dowsett 2nd and Chris Newton 3rd.The break I was in (2nd group on the road) got caught after four of seven laps, I went on to finish around 18th or 19th. So no points for me but a welcome return to racing and the pleasure of riding my best bike again.

by Paul B Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:27 pm
Sounds similar to Eddie Soens which I did on Saturday. Caught up with the 3,4 and junior groups fairly early and managed to get a couple of laps off the front with another guy before the E1s brought it all back together. The break then went with the best guys and although the gap never got too high PCA made sure no-one else got away. I ended up just finishing in the bunch, but good to be back racing.

by stevesavage Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:51 pm
Re the weather yesterday . Apparently there is a old saying for the month of March "In like a lion, out like a lamb" meaning if the weather at beginning of March is violent then the end of March will be settled and pleasant. Heres looking forward to it!

by Rob Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:00 am
Nice link between the above thread and the sports psychology seminar:

Do you notice how positive our top riders are about racing? Coincidence? Nah...
by Willy H Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:03 am
The Thorpe Perrow 3 on the Sunday club ride also have a tale to tell, but mostly not fit for printing, so I won't!

Suffice it to say that soon after unwisely abandoning the cosy caff heading back to York the weather turned a little unfriendly! Head-on gale and rain combined to make the return ride a 3 1/2 hour+ job, whilst the ride-out in the morning with following Southerly was done in 2 hours!

All in all it was NOT the sort of day to welcome new riders to the joys of Clifton Club runs, but Al showed real mettle and determination! And his Thigh Dry's could be what we've all been waiting for on days of horizontal rain!


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