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by Broom Wagon Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:19 pm
Apologies now, for riding like a complete numpty, if I wasn't locking shoulders with Dave, chucking my water bottle at everyone, I was taking the wrong turning at every junction. Have a bit of patience with me, if I do this for another 20 years I might get the hang of this cycling malarky.

If we get such a large turn out again I think we need to split into two groups, with the regulars equally split between the groups. I think we were a bit of a hazard to traffic and it was difficult to do anything structured and everyone get their turn. It probably doesn't matter too much at this time of year, but I appreciate the the more structured approach Phil was doing last year.

Well that's my summer bike washed and put away. Trouble is the winter bike knocks about 1mph off me, so I'll be back to scrabbling for wheels.

by Cyan Skymoos Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:50 pm
I didn't see a lot wrong with that ride Broomie, sure the line out needs a bit of work and might be best left until January, but apart from that it was ok.
I never got that 'crash coming' feeling you sometimes get in a group that size. Everyone there seems to know what they're doing. I saw the shoulder bump and it wasn't even worth a mention. So what someone missed a left turn and someone dropped a bottle.
Good solid winter miles in my opinion and the more the merrier in November.

by PhilBixby Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:04 pm
The blue skies clearly got everyone out of bed this morning, with eighteen (I think; my counting gets a bit ragged once I get beyond one set of fingers and thumbs) riders setting off on the training ride. A lot of regulars, a couple of new faces and an H-Ride contingent including, of course, H. Lined out along Bishy Road I did wonder whether it was all going to end up in an ugly scene but as Darren said, it settled down and never looked dangerous (unlike the driving of some of the cars which overtook us).

Another brisk one; just under 19.5mph for fifty-odd miles, average power just over 200W, but we more or less stuck together. No apologies needed from Broomwagon - everyone's getting used to the routes. I agree with Darren that it's just mile-crunching time of year; anyone doing anything more structured is probably doing it on their own. Only comment I'd make is if you're on the front and you notice gaps opening up, ease off a touch to let everything close back up. A few people were getting perpetually shuffled backwards as others filled in the gaps in front of them; fair game in a race, but frustrating in November.

by Jess Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:42 pm
Hmmm.. not such a great ride for me. I wasn't feeling as strong as last week,the wind got to me & I found the pace a bit variable. Plus I'd forgotten my mini mars bars!

All this culminated (to my discredit) in my having a bit of a strop somewhere on the way home & deciding to drop off & leave you all to it. Many, many thanks to Darren who hung back to give me some encouragement (and more importantly, a big push!) to save me a lonely ride home.

Great to see lots of us out, and to meet Howard & some of his regulars. (thanks for all the riding position advice guys!) On reflection though, it did feel like there were too many of us in one group. I'm obviously not in a position to critique but there were times when it was a bit all over the place and then there were times when I got cut up (so I think I fall into Phil's 'Perpetually shuffled to the back' category) so it felt like I was never really riding any through & off at all. Maybe I need to be a bit more aggressive about it all, but since I am only just finding my feet in a group it's not the easiest thing to do.

When I checked my Garmin stats, we were actually not as fast as last week, which surprised me, but then it was a bit hillier & there was a stronger wind.
Either way, I think I still have quite a lot of work to do if I am going to be able to hold my own & stick with you guys - even in November!

(My horse however, thanks you all greatly, she had a VERY easy ride this afternoon as my legs didn't seem to be working....) :D

by At the back as usual Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:12 pm
My first ever training ride with the club and although I was a bit daunted at riding with seasoned pro's, I thoroughly enjoyed it today even if the pace got to be a bit high at times. Found the first part of the ride quiet tough partly due to the wind and partly due to not being fully prepared to the pace that was being set. Didn't know if I was doing right or wrong but followed the guy in front and apologise if I upped the pace coming back into York but I was only carrying on from the bloke in front, I will learn the etiquette better as the weeks go by but overall a complete change to the Intermediate ride I normally go on and I'm looking forward to doing more over the coming months. Thanks to Darren for the encouraging words on the way round, just what a newbie (although an old one) like me needs to spur me on even more and thanks to Phil also, but a big thanks to everyone today for a really enjoyable ride and I look forward to the next one

by Cyan Skymoos Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:24 pm
Jess, I don't think it's a case of being more aggressive on a training ride, just follow a good wheel.
At the back, you ain't got any problem at all, you're solid on that bike...Vets racing next year?

by Allan Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:08 am
Firts ever big group ride for me - I actually felt quite comfortable with the group size (and pace) but maybe this was due to the line moving up all the time. Did get a bit hairy for me going through the village with loads of roadhumps that was mainly downhill. I was pretty impressed at some of the speeds we got up to though.
I got dropped early on both times I tried this ride early in 2010 so yesterday was a big boost to me................roll on next saturday!!!! :D

by Dr Dave Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:19 am
Large group does present a bit of a problem for cars to overtake in safety. Drivers can get frustrated stuck behind which may then lead them to risk dodgy overtaking manoeuvres.

If more than - say 14 - riders could the group split into 2 halves, one riding 100 metres behind the other? Cars could then pull in between the groups when overtaking, whilst the ride as a whole can follow the same route, exchange riders between the halves if appropriate etc

Just a thought....

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