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by like my bike Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:15 pm
Phil are you free 19th

Headings for article;

Lenght of climb
Altitude from - to
Metres climbed
Max % gradient

PB Time

We like...

We hate...

I be mostly riding...


by PhilBixby Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:48 pm
Probably won't be able to make it - daughter performing in dance festival, needs carting around, ex away all weekend.

But you don't need me there - if the club run's going, and you know the usual structure of the CW article, get everyone to put quotes down on paper at the cafe stop, and then use them as the basis for the copy.

Make sure you get good photos; get a couple of people with cameras up the hills ahead of the bunch so you've got enough time to stop plenty of times and check the view back. You want places where you get riders in the foreground and further back down the hill, or other ways to emphasise the gradient. Corners where you can get a view down the road from the kerb without risking getting squished. Zoom in close to riders and rely on good lines of sight, not on using wide-angle shots, to give a good background.

If Hannah miraculously sorts out her day so I'm not needed then I'll be there, but don't bank on it!

by paulM Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:47 pm
Sorry Andy I was reminicising about Summer fitness & warm weather......
But in my reply I also favoured Boltby / Sneck Yate - most of the tarmac had slid off my other suggestions! 19/11 sounds good to me.
The last time I walked a climb was on a hostelling trip involving Fleet Moss in Feb '94? The last time I did Boltby was on race bike with race fitness & a 39x25 bottom gear - and I only just made it. If you want to see real tears be there on the 19th to see me attempt it on 39x 23 bottom gear, winter bike, clothing & fitness!
I wouldn't put money on myself.

by Arthur Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:58 am
That I need to see :) Date is in my diary. I also vote for Boltby Bank

by Rob Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:41 pm
I'll publicise in next week's update.

...and it will be 30x26 for me thanks 8)

by ChrisC Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:47 pm
Might have to go awol or mia due to being a bit ill my nemisis the old tonsills are playing up, but you never know i might be ok come sunday

by Rob Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:41 pm
Good ride yesterday Andy - great idea of yours.
by BroomWagon Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:45 pm
If we're going to submit a killer climb to CW shouldn't it be one that's sort of bit more closely related to the club and York. All the climbs suggested are certainly killers or at least I think they're killing me when I ride them, but some are not especially well cycled by club members because they're a long way away eg Park Rash, Hardknott etc.

Shouldn't our killer climb be one that most of us cycle up reasonably regularly - like Worsendale road for example (it is the club hill climb after all) or the one up to the transmitter mast at Leavening. I know they're not especially tough, but I don't think that's the point of the CW article.

My personal killer, is Hanging Grimston (apt name for a killer climb), what with the potholed crumbling road, gates and sheep s**t. Do it in a cloud burst and it becomes a mucky, slippy, sheep poopy stream. It can be unexpected tough.
by BroomWagon Thu Nov 23, 2006 7:03 pm
Ah.....Rob, changed your mind about inviting me along to the Sunday club run eh....must be scared of me riding everyone off my back wheel :lol:

Seriously, though, I would love to come along on Sunday and the Saturday ride would be ideal training for what I'd like to do in 2007, but the fact is my level of fitness at the moment (I've plenty of excuses for it, but you've probably heard them all before) would mean I'd probably be off the back before you even got over the ring road.

Still I'm hoping to get on bike a little more seriously from now on, so hopefully I will have club level fitness(ish) by February, for my annual club run or as some know it, Clifton Reliability :wink:

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