Clifton CC Discussion Board

The place to discuss racing and training.

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by Cam B Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:43 pm
There are still a few races left on the calendar but not too many. Time to think about your training plan for next season! In the last 2-3 years we have had a pub session in the Autumn to reflect on what has worked for you training/racing wise this season and what hasn’t, look at the format/routes of the training rides from the end of Oct thru to Spring and think about road races we are going to organise next season. I propose we do something similar again. If you are planning to race next season and/or would like to help out with races we put on... this could be the night for you! I’ll put a loose agenda up nearer the time. If you can’t make the night don’t worry...feel free to share your thoughts here. I am going to suggest meeting at Brigantes (on Micklegate) at 7.30pm on Thu 15 October. Post here if you can make it. Suggest we “reboot” the ‘Saturday morning training rides’ on Sat 24 October.
by PeteN Sat Sep 19, 2015 11:46 am
I won't be there, but... I would be keen to incorporate more hills into the training ride routes. I know it makes it difficult to 'keep it together' but it does us all good in terms of fitness. There was a route Phil Graves took us on a few months back that went through the Wolds which was great -some climbs of varying lengths that are ideal for training.
by like my bike Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:03 am
Cam, Billy or myself hope to be there, representing the go ride group, we have 4 riders that would really benefit from some solid winter rides on a Saturday. It maybe every other week from November they turn up. let us know the routes you agree on, like the idea of adding more rolling terrain!



by GrahamMartin Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:13 pm
Are 2nd claim members welcome? I did volunteer at Clifton RR Day this year!
For Saturday mornings, subject to numbers of people showing up, how about offering a hilly group and a flatter group, rather than fast and faster, at least some weeks? Would perhaps be more useful and would avoid the sudden moment where level crossing barriers or a p*nct*r* cause the two groups to find themselves merged! That said, when the wind blows just right, that southern route can be a lot more relentless than a hilly option!
by Rob Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:03 pm
Just interloping. If your usual option of regular Saturday morning loops sounds a little routine, you could consider Option B....

Option B: get out on the Sunday clubrun over the next few months. Just turn the pedals and discover some new lanes and vistas. A change is as good as a rest they say. Rediscover what you got into this game for in the first place. Then apply some pressure to the pedals in late December, and think about something structured in the new year. Don't get too intense too early. It'll be a long season next year, and the best races are at the end....

It's no coincidence that many of the most successful Clifton racers over the last few years have done some steady miles on a Sunday with us in the winter. You don't have to listen to me - discuss with Muzzy/Richard/John etc at your meeting.

You'll be welcome on Sundays. After this weekend the rides will be sensible 60-75 miles for a couple of months.

Hope to see you out there

In sport

by Cam B Fri Oct 16, 2015 4:08 pm
We had a good night last night. Aside from drinking beer and some general chit chat we talked a bit about...........

Training Rides
Still 9.00 from Exhibition Sq. on Saturday mornings... rebooted again on 24th Oct.
We will introduce one or two different hillier routes alongside the four established routes. Routes will be posted in advance on Discussion Board. It’s basically a “does exactly what it says on the tin” three hour steady ride (at least for the first 2-3 months anyway) with everyone getting the opportunity to take turns on at the front. For those who can’t bear the prospect of going out on their bike without stopping off for a toasted teacake/beans on toast/full English... just need to say that there is no café stop on these rides :shock: . But posted above(Thanks Rob :)) ...if you like a decent refuel opportunity mid ride there is Clifton’s famous Club Run every Sunday and many of the club’s successful racers have got some steady miles in on these rides.

If we get large numbers in the square we will split the groups arbitrarily rather than a “fast” and a “less fast” (see how I skilfully avoided the use of the “S” word :) ).

I’ll put a post up next week about the first ride, format, pace, etc. I’ll try to refrain from using the word “steady” and the phrase “keep it together” too often!

Clifton CC hosted no less than five open races on the road this season: Two under the LVRC and three under BC. Thanks to Phil (who did the two Vets races) and Martin, Rich, Nigel who sorted the BC races.

Likely that there will be another North Yorkshire Road Racing League (perhaps rebranded as a Series) and we agreed that we would offer to host one rather than two next season. There is a possibility that another new club is coming forward to put a race on...which is great!
As in previous years we would propose to have the ever popular Clifton Road Race Day on 26th June 2016 (provisional date...I’ll check there are no potential clashes) with the LVRC race in the morning and the BC Race ( (for 2/3/4/Juniors/Women) in the afternoon. We will probably have this at Sheriif Hutton again if we can.

Therefore... we need three Road Race organisers next season :wink: . If you haven’t done one before now is your chance. It’s an opportunity for the experienced RR Organisers to pass down the “Lore of RR Organising” to others. There is plenty of help on hand/advice from people who have organised races before so why not give it a go?

We will firm up the date for the BC race in the evening race series once I have had word with the other hosting clubs.
by Cam B Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:43 pm
Phew....managed a ride this morning after all and it certainly blew the cobwebs away :o

Just bumping this up again.
On the subject of Open Road Races we put on.....

I will organise the LVRC (Vets) race this season but we still need Organisers for the BC race (which happens on a Sunday afternoon after the aforementioned LVRC race) and one of the races that we host in the NYERRL (a Thursday evening). Dates still to be firmed up proper but it's looking like the Clifton RR day will be Sunday 12 June and the NYERRL race will be 28 April or 23 June. Sorry that's a bit vague but we may be doing a "swopsie" with Ilkley (who were originally pencilled in for 23 June but this does not suit them now).

So that's 2 Organisers we need. Form an orderly queue and stop shoving at the back :D

Obviously we will also need a team of volunteers - for driving, marshalling,etc

As anyone who has helped with anything like this before will testify its good fun and help/advice is on hand if you haven't done it before
by Cam B Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:39 pm
A quick update:

The Clifton Road Race Day will be on Sunday 12th June 2016 (comprising the LVRC race in the morning and BC race in the afternoon). Both races will be at Sheriff Hutton.

The NYERRL race that we put on will be on Thursday 23rd June 2016 starting at 19:00. If you organise you get the final say in deciding which circuit to use. Exciting or what? :D

and yes....we still need two for the BC race on the 12th and one for the other BC race on the 23rd :)
by Cam B Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:55 pm
Cam B wrote:A quick update:

The Clifton Road Race Day will be on Sunday 12th June 2016 (comprising the LVRC race in the morning and BC race in the afternoon). Both races will be at Sheriff Hutton.

The NYERRL race that we put on will be on Thursday 23rd June 2016 starting at 19:00. If you organise you get the final say in deciding which circuit to use. Exciting or what? :D

and yes....we still need two for the BC race on the 12th and one for the other BC race on the 23rd :)

Another update:

Martin has once again 'stepped up to the plate' and will organize the NYERRL race on 23 June and he will use the Bishopwood circuit near Wistow. I'll organise the BC race and the LVRC race on 12 June.

I know it's 6 months away but if you think you can help out please put these dates in your diary. We will need the usual mix of marshals, drivers, caterers, people to deal with signing on, etc. Martin and I will post something in the near future stating what we need from you



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