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by mart66 Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:54 pm

I wasn't out last week but the week before seemed pretty tough (Malton). I think there were only about half of us left by the time we got the flat 10 (at which point I'd had enough!).

I think if you decide to 'up it a bit' there are only a handful of guys who are going to be able to stick with you, Sharpy. Fair enough I reckon - there are at least two rides so people should choose accordingly or not worry about getting dropped.

I'll be in the steadier group tomorrow!

by Sharpy Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:10 pm
Hurrah! 2 pages and counting...

Fiona has said I will be about as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit tomorrow... and a group of one!

As I said if I am shouted down then I am happy to go with it but feeling happy that I at least asked.

Onwards and upwards...


by PhilBixby Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:23 pm
Just to keep Page 2 rolling...

A surprisingly good turnout this morning, given it was raining and the forecast was for worse to come. About a dozen (?) set off in the "brisker" group leaving eight of us for the steadier ride, subsequently reduced to seven by a self-disassembling crankset. Silky-smoooooth riding and general firm pressure on th epedals had us rolling southwards with sufficient pace to catch the "brisker" group at Howden, although they claimed they'd been waiting a week for the level crossing to clear. A subsequent pee stop got the groups separated again and hopefully allowed dignity to be restored. Pace increased gently through the ride, with turns getting shorter but still six of us working together on the final run-in. A very good ride on a very unpromising day, and many thanks to all.

The stats:- 19.8mph and 200W for the out of town bit. Reflecting on Sharpie's comments about a previous "brisker" group ride starting slow and speeding up, power figures for the three thirds of the out-of-town bit were 194W, 192W and 212W respectively. So yes, effort increased as the ride progressed, but the initial 190-odd was still perfectly fine for an endurance ride (for me).
by Cyan Skymoos Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:41 pm
Yeah the brisk? group very definitely finished the ride faster than it started it.
Young Kieran absolutely loved it, thanks guys for making us welcome.
by mattmarsden78 Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:51 pm
Cheers for the ride guys. I sloped off quietly from the brisker (second group) at Wheldrake for a shorter ride home. Too much over indulging and not enough pedalling over the Christmas period mend my legs blew up just 2 miles from home. :oops:

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