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by JacobBrown Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:33 pm
Super wet conditions tonight, pretty surprised that there weren't more accidents considering some of the idiocy that was going on.
I didn't place, started to sprint but the poor visibility resulted in the 'sensible voice' in my head telling me not to, which turned out to be a good call given the result of the sprint.
I rode over after the finish to see he was ok. He reckons he broke his wrist and was in a lot of pain, pretty shaken up. Just wondered if anyone knows what happened to him after the first aid kit in the portacabin was deemed next to redundant? Was concerned at the lack of any kind of response from people in fluorescent jackets/organisers, glad it wasn't me that fell off.
Well done to fellow cliftonites for staying upright ;) hope to see some of you on saturday!

by GrahamMartin Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:39 am
I had probably eaten too much a couple of hours beforehand, and so wasn't able to do enough 'jumping out of bends' - realised too late that:
a) I need to drop 3 sprockets for the hairpin more often than not.
b) Making moves up the inside on the straight towards the hairpin doesn't work - it just results in being even slower going into said hairpin.

On the crash situation - from what I saw, the guy thought he could sprint over the line and stop before the bend, so didn't get ready to take it. I think the conclussion was that he hadn't broken it, unless you stayed longer than me.

On another note, the winner of the race was, as I learnt upon cycling part-way home with him, a 17-year old who's new to racing and has yet to join a club. He thinks he might join Clifton next year if he takes a year out before Uni! Seriously, though, all credit to him for winning against the 2nds.

by Cyan Skymoos Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:50 am
Blimey..all you ever read about is crashes, don't people care how much bike bits cost to replace. Nevermind skills training for the kids get some sessions organised for the seniors.

by Antlazarus Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:48 pm
I had to withdraw last night as I was struck down with a cold on Sunday, and I didn't want to torture my lungs that much.

I almost made the same mistake in the test event - I had my head down sprinting to the line, crossed it and relaxed and then realised I was heading into a corner at about 30mph. Just managed to make it round on the outside...

Hopefully be entering in a couple of weeks time.

by Cyan Skymoos Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:33 pm
Rob wrote:Know what you mean Darren.
Possible instructor: ...

Seriously I've seen some shocking stuff, it's even starting to happen in the vets racing. I watched someone dive down the inside on a sharp left hander on Sunday..he went in far too fast, sat it up mid corner and caused carnage. I had to spend the last lap chasing like a loon in the 12 sprocket..I've only just recovered :lol:

Also, if someone leans on you in the bunch, it will happen, lots of riders little room.. don't panic, just lean back on the rider a little, and if you can't safely take a gel or bottle mid pack please go to the back of the bunch to do it.

by AndyM Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:47 pm
Totally agree Darren - I reckon, with the popularity surge last year, people are maybe jumping into racing without realising how different it is riding in a 30mph 5-person-wide bunch compared to a two-line 15mph social ride.

I've not exactly been riding long, but two years ago there were virtually no mentions of any crashes through the whole year and now they seem to be a weekly occurrence.

by Rob Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:04 pm
Steady chaps. Fall off next week and you'll look a plonker...

by paulM Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:23 pm
I thought crashes in crits were an occupational hazard and why they were so popular on the telly in the 80's? The city centre races back then were unmissable but have never been the same since sadly.
Dont worry Jacob, the Cycleworks race a week tomorrow will be a race on a proper circuit which are few and far between these days - with a bit of natural wastage and a safe finish. Its all down to the circuits!

by GavinW Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:43 pm
I think in the context of Tuesday night's race we need to remember that the weather was treacherous. Only one guy came off and that was at the end of the event after nearly an hour of racing and he only had himself to blame.

by Cyan Skymoos Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:08 am
Didn't someone ride into the back of a lapped rider last week? seem to remember hearing something about that.

by GrahamMartin Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:30 pm
Yes, someone did come down as they got lapped - bunch weren't looking beyond the next wheel. And I was terrified that would happen to me, as I found myself being overtaken at exactly the same point on the circuit. Tips?

YES, we NEED coaching for Cat 4s and wannabe's. Aside from women's coaching, its the big gap that needs filling in the weekly program at the circuit. I reckon the point to get it rolling, if we can turn it around, is in the weeks after the Tour/City Centre races are done. I'm happy to help with press/publicity, and am definitely up for being a student. Maybe needs to be a different thread for this.

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