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by AndyT Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:34 am
not for me today.

by Jess Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:38 am
Not for me either - though I've not been out for weeks! Will pick up again in January, no doubt.

Wanted to mention tho - I was driving down nunnery lane today and a cyclist who looked like he could have been a clifton training rider (it was 10 to 9) popped out of scarcroft lane. He was dressed totally in black with a grey bike and no lights. I very nearly didnt see him at all.
Maybe he wasn't one of ours but it is a bit of a reminder that we should have lights and brighter clothing, in particular on days like today. Drivers are being idiots at this time of year so we should at least be sure we are seen.

Anyway, hope all out today stayed upright and safe.

Merry Christmas to all of you - hope santa brings lots of carbon to your doors. I will be out and hanging off the back again in the new year! X

by AndyT Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:10 pm
It was very gloomy at 9am still this morning. I'm sure drivers get worse when the weather is bad outside.

Light colours and a decent rear light are essential this time of year.

by willhub Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:13 pm
This weather is bike beating, my Planet X is out of action, the breaks won't even return after being applied to the rim, they're just stuck, I'm considering in decommissioning the Planet X two bikes are just too expensive in this.

by Cam B Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:32 pm
Training ride this morning for me. Not much to say apart from........ B****y Hell!

by AndyT Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:01 pm
Cam B wrote:Training ride this morning for me. Not much to say apart from........ B****y Hell!


Even the dog laughed at me when I suggested a walk this morning!

by PhilBixby Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:22 pm
Softies!!! :roll:

I rolled up at the square bang on nine rather expecting to be on me tod but there were eight riders peering out from the shelter of the gallery porch. In the spirit of "oh what the hell" we headed out to the flatlands towards Howden and after an early puncture shrunk the group by one (moral:- if you're going to use funny-size tyres, bring a spare funny-size tube...) the rest of us got our heads down and kept it nice and tidy. The roads got wetter and wetter and eventually Muzzy punctured when he hit a submerged crater near Naburn. He waved the rest of us off, possibly so he could just chuckle at the thought of us up to our bottom brackets in floodwater in Naburn while he sorted his tyre. Other than that a good ride - 18.9mph and 200W for the out of town bit - probably the wettest ride I've ever had, though.... :D

by RichT Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:01 pm
Arrived late at the square this morning and incorrectly guessed you'd gone north as I'd not passed anyone on the usual south route out of York! After a few miles flat out realised this was going to be a solo ride 😒.The roads were good all the way up to boroughbridge then it was more like a swim home from there..... Hopefully I'll be on time next week!
by timj Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:25 pm
Set off to York this morn in rain but i must say i have set off in worse!The differance is it just got worse.Anyway got to Huby flood :shock: Turned round for Stillington but missed the turn for Sutton :?: Brandsby/Sherriff/Flaxton/Bossall/A64 CROSSING/Castle Howard/Slingsby/Hov/Yearsley/coxwold/home.WET.I was not on my own either 3 sightings of bikes.Plenty of ducks and water @Castle Howard but no floods YET.Dave C and i had wondered why the training ride did not venture up this road but i guess it would be impossible to keep it tidy.and together.Good training road though.
Am up for a ride on monday mornig for a few hours if anyone fancies it.ill set up a thread cheers

by Broom Wagon Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:44 pm
Not quite sure what happened today - with only two hours cycling in the last fortnight my intention was to head off along the route straight from home and get picked up somewhere before Howden - hang in for an hour or so and then peel off for a couple of hours steady on my own.

My pace was rather steady not helped by my rain cape angrily flapping in the wind but by Howden there was still no sign of anyone. Continued through Howden turned at Loftsome bridge and then found a place to add a little water to inland sea I was looking at around Breighton.......waited, but still no sign of the training ride. I squeezed out a pint of water from my gloves and set off again. With the wind behind and starting to get a little nervous about which roads would be closed due to flooding I put my head down and got on with it. Not sure if the road would be closed at Naburn like it had a couple of weeks ago I turned off and took the sun and planet ride before that rise up to the transmitter mast.

I wasn't far down the cycle path when my tyre went down though luckily near one of the bridges so at least I could take shelter from the rain - not that it was possible to get any wetter though. You know how carefully you have to check your tyre before you put it back on for that hard to find thorn tip still stuck in your tyre that gives you another puncture two miles down the road - not this time, there was a large thorn which would give some giant redwoods a run for their money stuck right in the middle of the tyre. Tube was replaced with no incident but shivering and with numb fingers and after squeezing another pint out of my gloves I realised I really wasn't enjoying this and it was time to take the shortest way home to a hot bath. Got to the first turn off - no getting under the bridge to head to Crockey Hill and no heading into Naburn - deep water. It was ok at the next one though but I was wondering whether the water would be over the road at Fulford meaning a lengthy detour.

No problems though and I got home to that warm bath. Not the most enjoyable of rides and I certainly mis-timed the ride to join the training squad but still that's 50 miles in the legs which the more sensible/rational types didn't get today.

by paulM Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:08 pm
I had a window today (of "opportunity" not "weather") working on the assumption that if I didnt get out today, for one reason or another I might not get out tomorrow. Plus the water table may well be on top the road by then!
Felt a bit overdressed for the first hour or so but the rain steadily increased so was glad of the rain jacket. These are rarely visited roads for me for good reason - way too flat for a general training ride but considering the conditions the route was fine with some big puddles but no real flooding except at Naburn and even that wasnt that bad.

Here we are near Skipwith with Phil on the front: ... x_1985.jpg

The people at the roadside were waiting for a bus.

Had a bit of a blow out near Naburn and feared the worst as it felt like the tyre might need replacing (which wasnt a problem as I always carry a spare folding tyre) but incredibly it was fine and I was on the road again in just over 5 mins.
Just back to Phils point - this is a training ride so everone should be self sufficient with at least a couple of tubes, working pump and split link or chainlink extractor and the ability to use them.
However if my puncture had happened in Howden rather than Naburn I might not have been so keen to wave you all away. But some didnt look to be wearing enough to be standing at the roadside for very long in that rain. Its no good complaining about the conditions if you aint dressed for it! As it was I was fine as I also had a set of lights so didnt get lost in the spray from passing cars and was not relying on the size of the group to make me visible. I was fine riding back into York.

by mart66 Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:01 am
After weighing up the options I decided that a wet and windy ride was preferable to a couple of hours staring at the garage wall.

It seemed like the wrong choice when, not even out of York, we had our first puncture. Thankfully this was to be the only stoppage for a while as our brave bunch ploughed through rivers and streams without further incident.

I thoroughly enjoyed it until just after two hours when my brain suddenly told me that I was soaking wet and very cold. The last hour was spent tensely hunched over my bike with chattering teeth praying that I didn't puncture.

This fear was elevated when I saw Muzzy disappear down a pothole of epic proportions. I had reservations about leaving him behind but was told by Cam that these wily old pros know how to look after themselves. I was reassured knowing that, if unable to fix the puncture, he could set up camp for the night, lasso a rabbit was his punctured tube and skin it with his tyre levers. We pushed on.

Eventually made it home to hug a radiator for an hour or so.

Good ride in hindsight and I'm glad I did it (winter miles in the bag!). Here's to next week.


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