Clifton CC Discussion Board

The place to discuss racing and training.

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by GrahamMartin Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:33 am
Hello all,

Finally managed to push the levers of British Cycling hard enough to get this one moving. Bit late, but hopefully we it'll still come off as a good day, even if numbers aren't what they could have been with more lead-in time. We didn't host any city-centre races this year, so think of it as a replacement!

Saturday 27th September - York Sport Cycling Circuit
1pm Masters 40+
2pm Women's handicap
2.45pm 4th Category only
3.45pm 2nd/3rd/4th race

All races £12 in advance, £14 on the day. I've tried to configure the races for maximum recovery time, so that Masters and Women get at least an hour between races. (Need to amend the details to say "£8 EOL for a 2nd race").

If you've done racing for the year and want an easy task, we need about 6 volunteers at any one time. Perhaps a couple of "sub-40's" could do sign-on 12 to 2pm and a couple of 'Masters' could take over from them after a shower and recovery drink?

Also, does anyone have a First Aid at Work certificate? It will keep costs down if someone can volunteer.
by PhilBixby Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:41 pm
Full marks for organising this, Graham!

...and after seeing him today, looking slightly concerned and asking for volunteers, can I sound off my usual pre-event plea for people to help out! Helpers, HQ staff and marshals are what keep the racing scene ticking over - if you've done anything with a number on your back you've had the benefit of others taking on these roles so you can have your fun. Put something back in, please! Thankyou!
by GrahamMartin Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:51 pm
Hi folks, still really in need of a couple of extra bodies for this. The offer of a Masters race hasn't produced a field, so if you can go on the Saturday 9am ride, shower, eat and get to the circuit by 1.45 that would be great. Don't make me send Phil round with menaces! Offers of hot drinks from the Sports Centre for anyone who sticks their hand up.

by PhilBixby Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:02 am
C'mon folks - it's the last of the season, it's local, and Graham's stuck his neck out to organise it. For anyone who's not done any racing yet and doesn't feel quite ready then it would be a great opportunity to see how it all works and how (un)scary it all is. Much less so than me coming round with menaces, anyway...
by IanH Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:43 am
Hi, I'll be happy to come along and help.
What time do you want me to be there?

Ian H.

Are we there yet
by DamianE Fri Sep 26, 2014 6:18 am
Hi Graham

I've suggested the wife and daughter go swimming whilst I sit drinking coffee. So I'll be there let me know what time.

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