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by DamianE Sun May 11, 2014 6:45 pm
Team swift road race for myself, Martin, Tim and Paul this morning over at Walkington. Bit of rain on the way ensured we started in the wet and got rained on one or twice. Fortunately everyone was pretty sensible so no incidents. Headwind up the drag made it heavy going when you stuck your nose out front so it stayed together. I don't think any of us were ever in any trouble so that's a good sign. Not so brave as I used to be on the fast run to finish, tried to give Tim a lead out expecting nobody to squeeze passed but a few did. As a result we started the sprint a long way down but managed to sneak 10 th on the line despite having to brake for a parked car. Quite pleased with that but it has been a very good circuit for me in the past so maybe I should've done better. Perhaps I should've threatened Martin with no lift home if he didn't give me a lead out ;-)

Cam and Richard did the grown up race after, how did you get on?
by timj Sun May 11, 2014 7:43 pm
Bit of a strange race for me and i dont really know why.As Damien said finished a couple of places behind him after following his wheel for the last couple of miles until a car disrupted our line,Damien braked and i just squeesed through and opened up my sprint maybe a touch too early and a couple came round me including Damien,once again just outside the top ten.Strange game really as last year i would have been quite happy with that but today feel i should have done better in the final,still i quess that means i am progressing forwards.Both Riders looked comfortable and pleased for Martin finishing after last weeks bad luck.Well done for nabbing a point cheersGood fun.Hope the other race went ok.
by mart66 Sun May 11, 2014 8:21 pm
After last week's shambles I was happy just to finish my first race of the season.

I found going up the drag with a headwind quite a horrendous on laps 2 and 3 but by the final two laps if felt quit comfortable.

My positioning was pretty good for most of the race and I felt able to move around the bunch pretty easily. That was until about half a lap from the end when I saw Damian moving up on the outside and found myself boxed in and unable to get out to him. I then found myself on the inside on the last turn and had to nail it just to hang onto the bunch going up the hill to the finish.

After starting thinking that I was just wanted to get round without any mishaps, I now feel as though I should have at least contested the sprint (I wouldn't have got anything of course, but hey).

Anyway, enjoyed it and looking forward to Thursday. Well done to Damian and Tim who both looked strong today.

by RichardD Mon May 12, 2014 11:47 am
Did the afternoon 234 race. Tipped it down for the first lap or two and then the wind picked up for the second half. Quite a hard race. Tried to cover the early moves but by lap 5 my matches had been spent and a break of 10ish established that I could not bridge to. Settled into the final 3 looking to make it to the finish in the second group. Looked like a lot packed, as our group (including Cam) was whittled down to less than 10 at the end. No energy for the sprint but Cam was unlucky to just miss out on a point or two I think. 2.5hr at 280NP.
by Cam B Mon May 12, 2014 12:29 pm
Did Team Swift 2/3/4 race with Richard and Sharpy. Heavens opened as we waited for the pre-race briefing so we are all thoroughly wet and cold before we even got going. It was that bad that one rider started rummaging in a nearby bin for some newspaper that he could stuff down the front of his jersey. Luckily (!?) it was a balmy 11 degrees....Much cooler than this and it would have been really, deeply unpleasant rather than simply unpleasant. Rain continued for the ride to the start and for most of the 1st lap. As noted above, tough headwind on the drag put paid to initial attacks. Tried to mark things as bet as I could but a move did get away midway I think. Thankfully sun came out and warmed up again only for it to start pouring down again... Felt a little despondent at this point have to admit. Credit to Dave Morris from Harrogate Nova - who missed the break - for getting things organised and a pace line formed. In these situations you often get guys ranting incoherently because they missed the break and want everyone to come thru. At least he was coherent and got people on his side and we got moving again with about 6-8 riders coming thru. All to no avail though. By end of last lap the break still had 50 secs on us. With half a lap to go Dave Morris (who was looking v. strong) just rode away. Anyone of us could probably have hung onto his wheel including me so big error there. I guess it may have gotten chased down if one or two of us joined him. Any way, he stayed away from us and must have picked up a few points. I had also miscalculated how many was left in our group...not very many at all as it turns out. Got myself into a good position after the little climb but too slow to react to the jump and came in about 6 th out of group. Very optimistically hung round to see if I had made top 15 but don’t think so. Hard afternoon on the bike. I think something like half the field may have dnf’d.....Have to admit that harboured thoughts of wishing I punctured on the way to the start as things looked pretty bleak...So all in all bit of roller coaster ride...or more of a log-flume really...what with the wet and all...oh, and did I mention the fallen tree branch that materialised at one point nearly derailing a couple of riders? But all in all... one to put in the “Masochistic fun and good training” basket...Roll on the next one and all that :)
by Sharpy Mon May 12, 2014 3:23 pm
tAs Cam says really. But I had already decided that unless I was having a flyer I would finish after 90mins as i needed to get home... thats my excuse and I am sticking to it!!

It was a bit of an odd one though as I didnt even see the break go, I just looked up and they were a few hundred metres up the road, my fault for being in the wrong place.

A good race though, despite the less than good weather at the start.


by paulM Mon May 12, 2014 9:54 pm
Bit of a lacklustre day for me in the early morning side show race. Pretty much took my place around 40th position and stayed there for 35 miles. I dont think the conditions lent themselves to the circuit with a crosswind from the right just killing the race on the climb making it difficult to attack which is the only place on this circuit where anything happens. Having said that I'd not exactly been expecting to worry the judges that much although I've had a placing here on a previous visit in much better weather. I think we were very lucky in the early event that apart from a short shower it stayed fine despite it slashing down in the drive out and most of the drive home! Still quite pleased to see the finish but never really had the legs for much more but I think I needed to just get this one ridden for some better rides coming up - I hope?

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