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by PhilBixby Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:55 pm
There will be a training ride on Saturday departing from Exhibition Square at 9:00 prompt. Forecast looks good (as indeed it ****** should, it is summer). Given the feedback from a few people who have recently made road racing debuts, I'm suggesting a brisk, steady ride followed by some practice loops of a small circuit to get used to changes of pace in and out of corners. Hopefully should be useful...

by MikeG Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:29 pm
Hope to get along but not feeling so good this week so may need a bit of a rest. The more I do the slower I seem to be getting :?
Last edited by MikeG on Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

by Jess Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:05 am
I'm going to miss out AGAIN as I'm at Bramham horse trials on Saturday.
Will try and scoot onto a sunday ride though if there is one!

Enjoy the sunshine!

by Broom Wagon Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:13 pm
I'll be there, whether I'll be with shoes or not, I can't promise.
by timj Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:55 pm
Ill be there also

by Cam B Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:15 pm
I won't be there ...trip to seaside with family instead

by MikeG Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:37 pm
Phil and Broomwagon, hope you are both OK after the offs today. No doubt it's hurting a bit more now than at the time. At least you have the pleasure of picking the road rash scabs off to look forward to sometime next week. Ouch.

Thanks for the ride everyone.

by PhilBixby Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:46 pm
As MikeG has hinted, it was an action-packed training ride this morning. Ten of us set off under blue skies out towards Galley Gap, Kirkham, and onwards towards Sheriff. Unfortunately at a junction en route I tried looking in too many directions at once and forgot to keep my eye on what was unfolding in front of me, notably riders going slower than I expected. I duly clipped a back wheel and plunged dramatically over the bars, managing to land on my head and shoulder while neatly holding the bike aloft out of harm's way between my legs. All my own fault, and apologies to Broomwagon who I took down in the process.

We resumed from there out to Stillington, passing the massed riders of the Great Yorkshire Ride, and back via some slow, slow, quick quick slow laps of a little triangle of roads with very gravelly junctions.

However, Broomwagon was to prove himself quite capable of spectacular off-bike action without needing me to whisk his wheels from under him....

by Broom Wagon Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:23 pm
Yes, not the most successful Saturday ride. I've a bum like a baboon, but it's very superficial road rash, none of the deeper gouges one gets where small stones dig in. I expected the kids to be impressed, but they were totally ambivalent and nagging me to do the usual stuff before I had chance to peel my ragged and bloody shorts off. At least the good lady was a bit more sympathetic and nipped to the shops to get me some medicine (a couple of bottles of cold lager).

I'm more bothered about my bike, whilst, considering it hit the deck at 25mph, the damage is very minor, new bar tape and rear mech would see it just about as it was before, it's still damage.

Hopefully you're not too sore Phil.

by photoBen Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:58 pm
An eventful ride to say the least, we managed to survive the snow, ice and rain and had our first crashes on a lovely dry day. Steve scored higher on style points due to the speed he flew over the tarmac but Phil's looked the most painful.

by PhilBixby Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:43 pm
Even I must concede that Broomwagon's prang was more stylish in its dramatic sweep, and used both the width of the road and speed - not to mention the dramatic and brief pause in oncoming Great Yorkshire Riders - to full effect. Mine was just a low-speed head-plant. Shoulder is very red, but only partially oozing. Sleep tonight will involve some careful positioning, but other Cliftonites have done far greater damage to themselves in recent years and come out of it philosophical, so mustn't grumble!

As Ben notes, quite why we chose the best weather of the year to end up on our ears is a mystery....

by Darren N Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:47 am
Sorry to hear about your spills yesterday.

As an aside, if you're looking to dry up oozing gravel rash quickly, I highly recommend you try Tea Tree Oil. ... OIL25.html

I don't know whether you've tried it before? A few years ago my handle bars sheered off on the climb up to monument near Castle Howard and I face-planted the tarmac. I had oozing gravel rash on my forehead, bridge of nose, top lip and chin. I dabbed on the tea tree oil 2-3 times a day and the rash, including all scabs, had completely gone in 2-3 days. I've never seen anything like it, I thought it was some magic potion! Apparently it is a natural disinfecting, drying and healing agent. I bought it from Boots, of all places. Anyway, just thought I'd pass on this little gem because it truly did have magical healing qualities for me and would enable you to get back to pain-free training in quick time :)


PS. Just reading this, I can assure you I don't own shares in Australian Bodycare :)

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