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by Alicole Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:53 pm
WOW, what a change from last week. Light winds and warm. There were 18 riders turned out for something that had to be better than the football! Thanks to Bernard and Dave for the start and Timekeeping, Will and Steve for Marshalling and Craig for just been there. Dave Bramley returned the the favour to Shaun after last week and posted the fast time of the evening, I get the feeling this is not the end of the story this year!

1. D Bramley 21.23
2. S Lawson 21.53
3. T Robinson 22.08
4. C Berill 23.02
5.J Dickson 23.23
6. T Tarr 23.26
7. M Eastwood 23.36
8. K Bramley 24.23
9. G A Johnson 25.27
10. I Hampton 26.29
11. A Cole 26.36
12. M Rylatt 26.42
13. T Jackson 27.06
14. L Hurn 27.07
15. M Laughton 27.28
16. L A Johnson 27.29
17. H Storm 31.45
18. E A Johnson 38.48

Thanks to everyone who turned up tonight, from speaking to others it was the place to be as the football was not very inspiring. A special thanks to all those who helped out today, and the best thing I heard tonight was a quote from Bernard that "Hull was the hottest place in the UK today" at least it's acheived something :D If anyone has any queries please get in touch and I will try to address them.


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