Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to talk about anything! Want to find someone to ride with? Get help on mending things? Organise lifts?

Moderator: Moderators

by idcrankin Thu May 23, 2024 8:11 pm
Thanks to all who turned out on a cold damp evening.

1. Clem Berill - 25:14
2. Tom Tarr - 25:59
3. Shaun Lawson - 26:40
4. Paul Whitaker - 27:40
5. Isaac Pressley - 30:24
6. Ben McNekage - 30:27
7. Kevin Chapman - 30:41
8. Mike Jeffrey - 31:09
9. Gordon Atkin Johnson - 31:45
10. Lewis Atkin Johnson - 32:16
11. Katie Bitten - 42:09
12. Elizabeth Atkin Johnson - 48:45

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