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by martin w Thu May 16, 2024 8:51 pm
Another great turnout this week for the Sutton 10. Slightly more 'exciting' than we might have hoped for, with punctures, spills (hope you are well, James), and wrong turns, but beyond this it was hopefully an enjoyable night out pushing yourself hard.

1. D Bramley 21.34
2 S Lawson 22.08
3 N Smith 23.39
4 M Jenic 24.20
5 W Turley 24.33
6 T Tarr 24.46
7 K Bramley 24.47
8 V Lystsev 24.49
9 B McNeilage 25.07
10 M Rylatt 25.54
11 G Johnson 26.00
12 S Dawson 27.09
13 I Hampton 27.13
14 L A Johnson 27.21
15 D Brown 27.31
16 J Quinby 28.45
17 R Taylor 29.46
18 H Storm 30.39
19 A Hetherington 31.19
I Rankin DNF
C Berrill DNF
J Dickson DNF

Many thanks to Ian, Jess, Craig and Jon for marshalling (thanks Jess for transporting James safely back home), and to Austen and Bernard for timekeeping duties. Next week is the pleasantly rolling Crayke course - it starts on a hill, and ends on a hill, and seems to go upwards throughout in some Escher-like way, but don't let that put you off - it's marvellous!


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