Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to talk about anything! Want to find someone to ride with? Get help on mending things? Organise lifts?

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by Alicole Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:36 pm
There were 17 riders out tonight, greeted with an awkward head wind on the way out, but it did not stop some good times been posted. I would like to thank Rob and Jenny Hill for taking on the first roundabout marshalling duties, Craig and Matt for looking after the second. Thanks also to Bernard and Dave for time

1. P Graves 20.40
2. D Bramley 21.10
3. J Hill 22.01
4. W Harvey 22.12
5.B Arey 23.43
6. K Bramley 23.54
7. B Watson 23.55
8. M Jenic 24.31
9. E Thurland 25.29
10. G Johnson 25.33
11.L Hurn 25.54
12. A Cole 26.40
13, M Laughton 26.43
14. C Jones 27.54
15. F Phillips 28.25
16. R Taylor 29.15
17. E A Johnson 37.09

Next week is Crayke but please keep an eye on the discussion board as we may have to make a change if the road works in Brandsby are still ongoing. Many thanks to all involved tonight as without your help the magic does not happen. Please contact me should you have any queries.


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