Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by James Milner Fri Jul 03, 2020 3:14 pm
Further to club secretary Craig's weekly email, we are keen to gauge peoples' thoughts on the possible resumption of our Thursday evening TT series.

As things stand the CTT (time trials governing body) are proposing to allow type B (club events) to resume from Monday 13th July onwards. This is dependent on restrictions being reduced before then.

CTT have already produced a detailed risk assessment of how to proceed should we be given the go ahead to resume racing. Some of the guidelines include things such as not using a pusher offer, use of disposable numbers or giving competitors the same number to retain for the season, provision of own pens for signing on, providing your own safety pins for the numbers, hand washing facilities available ( this can be in the form of alcohol spray or gel), maintaining social distancing, no static warm ups, etc.

So, although it may be possible to resume racing in a couple of weeks time, there are measures which we will need to put in place in order to do so. It may also be the case that some people are not yet comfortable with the idea of attending such events, however safe we make them, and therefore would not turn up.

Please bear in mind that, whatever your opinions may be regarding the latest CTT Risk Assessment, we, as a club, are duty bound to follow those regulations. Therefore, what I am basically trying to ascertain is how many of you would be fully committed to taking part in these events once we get the go ahead to resume. We are keen to resume the series if at all possible, but there would be little point doing so if nobody is going to turn up!

Your feedback would be appreciated!
by DavidShort Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:37 am
I fully support what James is proposing and I for one can't wait to have a go at what TT events remain for the rest of the season. Let's get behind James and support the remaining events. Whatever measures James puts in place events cannot go ahead without volunteers to officiate.

Cheers David
by wilsontown Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:12 pm
I would be happy to stand in the middle of nowhere with a hi-viz vest on. I can't get to Boroughbridge though, should be able to help at other events.

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