Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by EricS Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:50 am
Hi Cliftonites,

It's been almost 4 years since Allison and I did our last Sunday club run with Clifton before heading out to ride LEJOG and then moving back to the US. This summer, we're finally coming back for a two-week holiday in Yorkshire. We'll be in the UK from 23 June to 6 July, visiting various friends from our time working at the Uni, as well as cycling on some of our favorite roads in the Moors and Dales and exploring some roads in the Peak District we never got a chance to ride.

On Sunday, 30 June, we'll be riding out of York toward Castle Howard, Helmsley, and ultimately curving west to the Dales. We're planning to swing by the Square at 9 am to hopefully say hello to the Sunday club run gang. If you're rolling out to the north, we'll try to hang with you for a few miles for old-times sake (we'll be on loaded touring bikes).

Hope to see some of you on the 30th!
by Rob Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:50 am
4 Years!?
We were just discussing you two and what you were up to the other weekend. I'm not out on 30th, but some of the other irregulars should be in The Square.... Enjoy your holiday!
by EricS Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:54 pm
Yes, it's been a while. Allison's first job back in the US involved a lot of air travel, so flying for vacation wasn't an appealing option (now she's at an organization that works on parks and greenways, so she gets to cycle for work!).

Sorry we'll miss you on Sunday. Sounds like you deserve a week off after the Queen Stage last week!

This is what we've come up with for a route:
It's 10 days of cycling (some 650 miles and 43000 ft of climbing) and visits a bunch of club run favorites: Great Dun Fell, Tan Hill, Dentdale,... Fortunately, with the camping options in the Dales there shouldn't be any 150 mile days to visit those.

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