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by PhilBixby Fri May 18, 2018 5:33 pm
Those of you with very long memories may recall back in 2014 we did an event at City Screen around the then-embryonic David Millar Project movie - a screening of raw film footage, the trailer, and a Q&A with director Finlay Pretsell. It's the nature of feature film-making that four years can pass before the finished product sees the light of day (or rather the absence of light of day), but the film is now finished, renamed as Time Trial and being premiered this month. Pretty swiftly afterwards it's up for not one but two showings in York - at the Everyman on 1st July and City Screen on 12th July. In addition to being sooner, the Everyman screening has the plus of another Q&A with the director - presumably now visibly aged by the stress of seeing his creation through to release, on top of the basic four years.

I've not seen the finished product but it sounds pretty bold and is described as "immersive", it's had good reviews from overseas screenings and various pro's have commented that it's the closest they've seen on film to actually being there. The raw camera bike footage we saw four years ago had me hanging onto the arms of my seat ("yeah well", you're muttering, "you've never been under the hour for a twenty-five" which is true, but I'd guess few of us have been as quick as Millar on the flat).

Could be a good night for reminiscing for those who've had a number on their back and a good night for dreaming for those who haven't (yet). Info on the Everyman screening is at and general info about the film is at

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