Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by craigdabrown Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:33 pm
Six of us (JohnB, IanH, DaveC, IanW, GrahamT and myself) on the “Inters” ride to Thornton-le-Dale on Saturday.

Weather forecast was bang on and the early frost had melted in the rain by the time we arrived at the Square. Still pretty cold though, with ice lying at the roadside on a few out of town sections. Steady pace for most of the morning, some minor cat and mouse on the climbs and descents, the cafe was full when we arrived and it looked like we might have to sit outside but a couple of tables became free just in the nick of time.

Bit of a headwind on the way back and DaveC, having played squash the previous evening, decided to ride at his own pace after Kirby Misperton. Reluctantly, the rest of us pushed on without him and I’d covered around 75 miles by the time I reached home.

Not the prettiest of days to be out but we dodged the showers and enjoyed a solid, incident-free ride. Another weekend closer to Spring, thanks to everyone for some sensible winter miles.

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