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by Rob Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:01 pm
The first Sunday Clubrun counter in the Challenge Series.
The logic is that there are 6 big climbs out of Thixeendale and we have to climb them all without doing a U-turn. This entails several loops round to the next road into Thixendale and the whole thing turns into a bit of a dizzy climbing fest....

In the past we've refuelled at a coffee morning in the village, but there's not a lot of carbs in lemon drizzle cake.... So may investigate the cafe in Fridaythorpe. Either way, come with pockets stocked.

The climbs are not mountains by any stretch, but a bit gnarly. So decent tyres, low gears and healthy amounts of brake pad should be checked for prior to the ride!

See you in The Square at 0900


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