Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by G. Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:20 pm
Nine were in the square on Saturday morning - most people seemingly wanted to keep their powder dry for Sunday's reliability ride. The choice was between joining an inters ride of two or a K ride of six, so I took the sociable option. The group comprised me, Tullio, Jez, Kevin, Claire, Dr Joe and Ian. Ian wasn't exactly new - he'd apparently last ridden with Clifton ten years ago - but he was riding strongly and I'm sure I heard K trying to persuade him onto the Sunday club run.

The day's fun happened between Uncleby and Thixendale, where some trees shaded the road from most directions and the road was consequently super-cooled: the resulting ice brought three of us down on a right hand turn. Ian was very anxious to know whether this was a normal occurrence; we assured him it wasn't and proceeded gingerly to the cafe at Millington - but not before he'd had another new experience: his first ever puncture.

Jez scooted off at Millington, while the rest of us thawed out our toes by the fire and bumped into the university club, who'd apparently done the same route as us and had been a few minutes ahead of us for practically the whole ride. When we braved the cold again, it was a pleasant spin back to York with no further incidents. Thanks guys!

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