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by Arthur Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:01 pm
Many thanks to Mark for organising this! Everyone who did it will know it was a really hard day with the wind but very satisfying in a masocistic way. And now I'm going to bed. At 9pm :shock:

by Rob Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:49 am
And many thanks to Mark's small band of helpers; Liz, Milly, Holly and Steph (I didn't see Jacob, but he may have been around....)

by Rob Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:51 am
The toughest stretch was that steep pitch on Buttertubs up to the view point with the wind whipping straight down the gully (and Steve half-wheeling me!), how many watts did your Sturmy-Archer hub thingy read Arthur?

by Arthur Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:38 am
Have to have a look. At the time I was in too much pain. I did notice it was 30 rpm though! Today my knees hurt.

by stevesavage Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:22 am
Thanks Mark and team for a thoroughly enjoyable audax. My only suggestion would be next year to hold it in mid December as the weather seems to be better then!

by Iain M Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:09 pm
Yes, many thanks to Mark and the team - it was a great ride! The long descents were fantastic :D

by BroomWagon Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:41 pm
Tan Hill Audax, that'll be a doddle, after all, this year I've done the Etape Du Dales, Dales Grimpeur and even cycled to Alnwick in one day - how wrong can you be. Strong winds, driving rain and cold mist on the hill tops - typical August Audax weather :lol: , boy did I find it tough.

Still, Mark and family many thanks for all the effort, much appreciated, and that soup after 130 hard miles was wonderful.

Arthur - at the time I was in too much pain :shock: - was that when you were dancing away on the pedals into the mist like a spring rabbit on the toughest upward bits. That wasn't pain, if you'd seen the sad wet sorry mess a mile back down the road grinding away on a 34x23, that was real pain :lol:

PS sorry I couldn't give you a lift back from Shipton, with a bike in I can only get two adults in (shall have to get one of those MPV jobbies). Still you got to York before we did anyway.

by Arthur Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:45 pm
Riding back was fine. I had nice dry clothes on and had been well fed at the Village Hall. Made me feel virtuous anyway :D

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