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by MarkA Mon May 22, 2006 9:35 am
Report from the Sunday clubrun

8 happy faces when standin leader eventually arrived at the square

With an eye on the weather forecast + the fact we had party visitors route reduced from Illy Imperial to Bransdale (aka Cockayne loop) via Terrington and Caulkley.

Organiser claimed "its only 40 miles, we can do the loop and be sat in the cafe in Helmsley before the rain starts". Not quite. With closer to 50 miles on the clock Bernard and i donned "waterproofs" for the final descent - to find Ian fixing a puncture. Willie had gone ahead to baggsy the table.

Much hilarity in the cafe. Highlight was discussion of naked Reclaim the Streets rides. Go as bare as you dare. But where to carry your supplies. Tape your banana to the top tube said i. Fine if it reaches replied Stuart.

Agreed route home to allow Arnie and Matt to depart at Barton. It was mudguards on the front for the final run in to a distinctly sodden York.

All in all a top day. Slightly damp by the time we got home but nothing a good tea and a couple of glasses of wine couldn't fix.

Thanks to all.

by PhilBixby Mon May 22, 2006 10:24 am
I had a good brisk 30-odd miles as a result of peeling off at Sheriff, and the first raindrops were falling on me as I went down Blossom Street - good timing for once.

But when will it ever stop raining???

How did the weekend's racing contingent get on? Andy/Paul at Holmfirth? (I wimped out on the basis of not fancying fast descents in pouring rain, plus a couple of hours getting wet riding out and back from Hudds station plus sitting soggy on the train - and I managed to slip down me stone steps and twist me knee, some might unkindly suggest deliberately). Paul in the Divs? Anyone else?
by like my bike Mon May 22, 2006 11:47 am
Phil, it was wet but a fairly full field 40+ riders turned up to get soaked most of then I recognised from Wednesdays Wakefield Evening RR (also pissing it down). Summer Wines a good circuit but as we went up the hill for the first time I joked 'only 8 more to go' its a long steady effort, like you said the decent is fast & technical even when its dry & warm! At 4 laps to go 20 plus riders had quit and were sat in the Bay Horse enjoying a pint. Believe it or not the sun came out and it started to brighten up. With 2 too go a break of 10 riders made it away on the climb the speed increased on the final lap and 10 split into 6 and made it to the finish, I got 8th, 3 points.


by PhilBixby Mon May 22, 2006 12:25 pm
Well done that man!

by charlie Mon May 22, 2006 12:58 pm
Erik broke away on Thursday night in Hull & ER RR league to take 2nd place to James Sampson. I finished 12th. Kit punctured after a lap. Most suprisingly though, it stayed dry the whole race!

by Rob Mon May 22, 2006 1:53 pm
Thanks Mark for leading the clubrun. Do you fancy keeping the job for this weekend?

by MarkA Tue May 23, 2006 8:18 am
Sorry doesnt fit in with family plans Sunday

If the run happened to include Leyburn we could do with a recommendation for a good cafe.

by Rob Tue May 23, 2006 8:46 am
Good cafe in Leyburn is the Post-Horn

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