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by Dr Dave Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:26 am
11 Inters riders for Castleton this week: Graham, Kev, Kev M, Ian H, Dave C, Nick, Rebecca, Craig, John S, Meil S and self.
A steady ride out via Sheriff Hutton where Dave C turned off (he had an afternoon engagement) Terrington Bank, and Slingsby, where NIck (who had done 60 miles the previous day) turned off.
The remainder rode on to Fadmoor where a temporary split was decided on with John S, Ian H, Rebecca, Neil and I taking the Farndale route and up Blakey Bank whilst the other (sensible?) riders went via Blakey Ridge.
With a tail-wind Blakey Bank seemed less of a struggle than usual and we were soon re-united at the Chapel cafe in Castleton. Now I can't speak for anyone else but whilst I find the ambience and menu fine here it always seems that despite plenty of staff milling around it always seems to take ages for the - relatively straightforward - food to appear. With a long ride back to York to come this isn't ideal.......
After eating we took the New Way route out of Fryup (the road on the North-west flank of the dale) and up to the Rosedale road. On this ascent it became apparent that the wind had got up a bit and being a south-westerly we were going to have to work for our journey back. With John on the front almost all the way home, and others chipping in as they were able, we made steady - if unspectacular - progress via Appleton-le-Moors, Great Habton, Coneysthorpe, regrouping occasionally. I must admit my legs were feeling decidedly sore by the time Strensall was reached and the bunch gradually dwindled as riders turned for their homes in turn.
98.5 miles for me - thanks for the company everyone :D

Keep pedalling!
by craigdabrown Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:01 am
My first Inters ride since April Fools' Day and I'd also done my first run on the Thursday and so legs were a bit sore - just getting some excuses in early on.

Brisk enough pace, for me, out via Castle Howard and I was glad I chose the Blakey Ridge option as it was actually quite pleasant with a bit of a cross/tail wind and clear conditions. I really like the cafe in Castleton but completely agree with Dave's observation regarding the speed with which the food is served.

The Fryup climb wasn't as bad as I'd remembered but I've never been much of a descender anyway and I'm slower and more cautious than ever at the moment and so, annoyingly, frequently lost a lot of time to the Group on the downhill bits.

Nice pace throughout the day, I couldn't quite keep up all the time but never felt completely detached and a big thank you to the riders, particularly GrahamT and IanH, who dropped back to help out at various times and to the rest of the group who put in big shifts on the front and stopped at sensible points to allow us to regroup. Johns and Dr. Dave also did a nice job of getting us back onto the main Group between Foston and Thornton so we could all ride back to Strensall together.

Stayed dry all day, 98 miles for me and felt just about right, although I think the pace was maybe a bit slower than it has been recently. Thanks all!

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