Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by Rob Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:37 am
30th August: you can't have failed to notice that it's Tan Hill Time again. Steen has volunteered to lead a Sunday Clubrun paced group and will be pleased if anyone wishing to ride at a different pace forms a splinter group..... TH isn't as hard as it sounds on paper - at the end of the day it's just 3 hills! Ride at a steady effort, eat before you're hungry, drink before you're thirsty, and look after each other. 8)

6th Sept: The Fleak. A 2-climb version of TH, going the other way round. Tan-Hill-Lite, as it were. The Fleak itself is a classic, long, exposed, incredible views - a connoisseur's climb. One cafe strategy. 0800 start. 200km.

13th Sept: The Dirty Clubrun. A ride bagging as many bridleways and tracks as we can manage. Designed to be rideable on almost any sort of bike - MTB, road bike, cross bike - though maybe not carbon rims and silk tubs.... Was a blast last year where we rode around the Howardians , through Malton and then a loop around the Wolds. I have a number of embryonic ideas, and I'll stitch it together on the day depending on weather conditions and how we get on. 0900 start, back late afternoon. Could be anything from 60 to 120km.... hopefully 20-30% off-piste.

20th and 27th September. A couple of "normal" clubruns. 80ish miles. 0900 in The Square

4th Oct: Hill Climb. Ride out from Square to either compete or spectate. I think we have enough helpers. Then sample the bacon in the cafe and a bit of a loop thereafter.

10th/11th Oct: The High Road. Trailed elsewhere. I have a group of 6 riders committed to this already. Let me know if you want to join us, I'll be booking the Youth Hostel early next week.

18th October onwards: Lots of standard clubruns. 80ish miles, experienced riders, efficient pedalling, all welcome - a good time of year to join the group. Autumn is my favourite time of year to ride in Yorkshire. Vivid colours, quiet roads, weather is usually benign.

See you soon


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