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by Arthur Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:29 pm
Well, we had a chaingang. What did people think to the road furniture? I know the ride had blown to pieces by then, but we certainly went past it fast enough....

I can't make next Tuesday (since I'm on holiday) but how about trying out Charlie's suggestion of straight on in Long Marston and finish in Askham Richard? It seems worth a go.

by PhilBixby Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:47 pm
I was more worried about me legs than the traffic calming by then - but I don't see it as a problem. The habitual moving street furniture in Tockwith is still more likely to bring us all to an untimely end. The road to Askham Richard's narrower and wigglier (and there's that dreadful rumble surfacing on the way into the village that shakes yer fillings out). But.. ..whatever the majority think. Worth a go just to see. Like Arthur, I'll be away next Tuesday (in Blackpool, lucky me) but will catch up the week after!

by stevesavage Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:21 pm
Instead of an out-and-back course how about finding a circuit of around 5 miles and do multiple laps.
That way latecomers can join in easily and newcomers who get dropped can sit up and wait for the group to come round again.
Open to suggestions for a suitable circuit but from looking at the map I can see 2 possibilities - Rufforth/Long Marston area or Upper Helmsley/Sand Hutton area.


by NickScull Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:13 pm
I feel a bit cheeky suggesting it, since I will hardly be able to make any, but there is a loop around Acaster Malbis airfield which is pretty sound, apart from a total absence of hills.

Failing that, take the Heelaugh road out of Askham Bryan then left for Catterton and Bilbrough, either right through Bilborough village or the left just before to rejoin the Heelaugh road?

I'll shut up now.


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