Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by bernard turgoose Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:08 pm
This Saturday is the proposed day for this club run as part of the Challenge Series, unfortunately I will not be able to lead a K style ride due to the need to attend a family funeral.
So I am asking if anyone is willing to take this on in order to ensure that the ride take place, I did speak to John Bricklebank a few weeks ago, to check if he could lead one ride, which he seemed happy to do, but I haven’t seen him in the square recently, so I am unsure if he is still going to be available. Hence this notice.
I would recommend an earlier start, unless members want to make the start and finish in Stamford Bridge, which then gets it back to the original 100 mike ride, as we used to do some time ago.
Please post your availability and willingness to take part.
by Graham R Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:47 pm
Having never done fhe ride it was one i was looking forward fo do and quite willing to do if a few others so wish.
However Apart from knowing which direction the humber bridge is i dont know the rest of the route or cafe stops im more than willing to help if someone wants to be ride leader.
by Graham R Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:19 pm
Though I'd bump this up, there was talk of doing this potentially this Saturday 21st any further details? John B talked of leading one group and Mark F was willing to lead and I'm more than happy to assist, I know its not everyones cup of tea but when I joined it was one I was looking forward to.
by bernard turgoose Thu Jul 19, 2018 12:15 pm
Up date on this ride, in view of the up coming rides over this weekend and the following one, I am now looking for proposals for week ends in August, please post here the dates that suit you and we will then try to work out a date to cover the majority of the dates that you put up.
Also any comments on having the start and finish in Stamford Bridge, would assist in the planning for this ride.

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