Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by Graham R Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:00 pm
With possibly not seeing people before Christmas I would like to wish everyone at the Club seasonings greetings.
I would like to take this also to say thank you. For making me welcome in my first year, Kevin for welcoming me to the K ride and generally encouraging, admonishing and generally looking after me, to Bernard,Pete and Dave for their help, Nick, Craig and the two Marks and everyone else for their company.
To the A ride for nearly putting me off mentioning no names James Milner I ve never pedalled a bike that fast before lol, A great weekend at the Tour de Yorkshire with mentions to Ian and Graham for dragging me back from Boroughbridge.
Looking forward to many more miles in 2018,
Graham R

Happy pedalling


Graham R
by Graham T Sat Dec 23, 2017 7:27 pm
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you also graham ,lets hope 2018 will be another great year for getting out and about on the old steed , for yet another year of pulling you guts inside out enjoy :D

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