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by craigdabrown Mon Dec 11, 2017 11:40 am
Rather ominously, I arrived at the Square on Saturday to find an ice sculpture by the fountain. I checked to make sure that it wasn’t JamesM, as he’s normally there before everyone else.

Five of us – Alison (back up North for the weekend), Claire, me, Kevin and the self-proclaimed, and suitably attired, “Santa’s little helper” chose the K-Ride. Initially, Kevin wasn’t too keen on risking anything too far off the main roads or with a bit of elevation but, after some gentle persuasion, we talked him into leading us into the Wolds with a “we’ll just see how it goes” ethos.

Pretty darn cold was how it went on the way out through Stockton and Bossall and it was Howsham before I felt my toes again. There was a bit of ice at the edge of the roads but conditions were actually really good and when we climbed out of Birdsall Claire and I took a chance on Thixendale while the others chose the slightly more direct route to a cafe stop at Millington.

I was my usual, overly-cautions self on the descents but a “You can really feel the cold when you stop pedalling” comment from my companion was a sufficient nudge to be slightly more adventurous and we were soon through the village and climbing back out towards Huggate. Only one car and no mud, the ride through Millington Pastures was absolute bliss and we arrived at the cafe just behind the others and definitely ready for some food.

I know it’s often our default destination but the Rambler’s Rest does take a bit of beating when you need some decent nosh, comfy seats and a bit of warming up.

Leaving the open fires behind, we ventured back out to find the only dodgy section we encountered all day, a bit of ice where the water had frozen as it flowed across the road. Then a nice, non-eventful ride back to York and the chaos of the real world and the Christmas shopper. How fortunate we’d been to enjoy 60 miles of safe, December cycling on quiet, winter roads.

Thanks to my four amigos for the day, we were never very naughty - Bakewell cake at the cafe aside - and really nice to one and all. So hopefully a glowing report to Santa from his little helper.
by Rob Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:37 pm
Sunday gang's annual jaunt to Scarborough. Cold morning, but dry roads as far as Low Dalby. From then on it was fairly light snow showers all day. There was some settling on the (few sections of) untreated tarmac, but very light and our tyres cut through it. We just had to take it steady for those stretches. Langdale end was as pretty as ever and Harbour View café on South peer was a great recommendation from Andy's brother. Finished in the dark as ever for this one. As always, a great day out - a satisfying and rewarding ride.
by paulM Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:09 pm
As Rob has said a fab ride on Sunday. 170k on the clock when I got home which makes this a challenging ride with only the one cafe stop. A bit of everything on this one. plenty of hills as we went out via Dalby and back via the Wolds, a small off-road section, a few cobbles and a sea view from the cafe table. Talking of the cafe - it was great - Robs breakfast was amazing it takes years of practice to consume that quantity of food and ride a bike! Was lulled into a false sense of security with our progress on the way back just as my back tyre went flat at the top of the climb out of Duggleby - just about the most exposed part of the ride, it was snowing and getting dark not the best time to be taking my gloves off. Required the use of teeth to remove two thorns the way they'd gone in. Just glad it didnt happen twenty minutes later and i was careful enough to get both out - I'll take what I can from that one!

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