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by paulM Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:01 pm
Dave - Regarding your new circuit - we always avoided using Terrington Bank as a climb because it is too hard and too early in an event and we have used it previously. The decent to Hovingham is surely more dangerous than anything we use currently- you have to give way at the bottom! Dont listen to the CTT they would just prefer letting 12 year olds loose on the A64!
by DavidShort Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:39 pm
Thank you Paul,

Like it or not, one has to listen and take heed of the CTT advice and guidance . They are the governing body.

Kind regards David
TT Sec'
by Matt H Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:56 pm

I like the look of the new course but agree, the right turn at Hovingham could be dangerous. Have you considered the Castle Howard sprint tri bike route, it's 14 miles and has enough lumps to be of interest to those of us who like to use the gears ;-) could start and finish anywhere along the route with a lay by... ... e-29453138
by DavidShort Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:13 pm
Hi Matt,

Great suggested route. I like it! Lumpy and long enough to provide a challenge without the risk associated with the extreme descents of Terrington & Bulmer. There is a natural start finish point between Ganthorpe and the T junction on the road from Bulmer with parking space. Once again many thanks Matt. Positive contributions always appreciated.

Kind regards David
TT Sec'
by Dr Dave Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:30 pm
The circuit Matt suggests is fine as a circuit ( albeit it is just 15 miles and doesn't therefore offer quite contrast/challenge over the other courses as David's suggestion does). One slight problem is that a good few riders currently ride out to the TTs from York (or further afield). Would the long ride out - and then back afterwards put some people off (maybe after being at work all day)?

Wrt the Hovingham turn on David's proposal route, this is one turn on a circuit likely to be almost an hour long. Saving a few seconds on the turn isn't important on such a long loop and riders should be able to cope without substantive risk. Presumably there will be a Marshall there? Alternatively you could turn R at the top of Terrington and descend to the Coneysthorpe crossroads and loop around to Hovingham via Slingsby. Might be a bit longer but would certainly be a good challenge/contrast!

Can I suggest we try David's circuit as he proposes and see at the end of the series how it goes otherwise we could be batting options around indefinitely. :D
Last edited by Dr Dave on Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Keep pedalling!
by Matt H Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:03 pm
No problem Dave, I had thought of suggesting it before...

Clifton are well represented at the Castle Howard Tri so this could be popular with members if we do the circuit at least once before the 3rd week in July to benefit anyone doing the event next year ;-)
by wilsontown Mon Oct 23, 2017 1:52 pm
I unfortunately wasn't able to attend the meeting and have been away a lot due to work commitments so haven't managed to contribute yet. I'd like to echo the comments of others that it was an excellent series this year and I really enjoyed being involved, so thanks to everyone who gives up their time to make these events happen.

I thought the Wheldrake circuit was a nice addition and the two events were exceptionally well organised by York Cycleworks.

On the courses used, I thought it was a good mix of flat circuits and more challenging ones, and I personally wouldn't mind seeing more hilly events. I accept that isn't everyone's point of view, though, and I think a similar mix to this year would be fine. I would be sad to lose the Ganthorpe and Coneysthorpe courses, but I can also see why we are discussing dropping them. For me it isn't really Terrington Bank that is the problem; sure, it's fast and a bit scary, but it's straight and in any case descending is part of the sport. The bigger problem is the descent before climbing Bulmer Bank, where if there is traffic coming down the bank it can be impossible to avoid riding in the gravel at the bottom. I think this just about edges into being too dangerous.

The 19.5 mile course proposed looks appropriately challenging, but my personal view is that this is a bit long for an evening event. As one of the slower riders I would definitely be out there for over an hour given the hilly nature of the circuit, and that's not so easy as I would be coming home from work in Leeds and then riding out to the event and back home again. So I would suggest that the Castle Howard circuit mentioned might be a better option.

Finally, as alluded to earlier, it would be good to have accurate course distances. The Sutton "10" as we currently run it is not 10 miles, and I think the Coneysthorpe circuit is described as being 14 miles when it's nearer 13 as far as I can tell.

Anyway, thanks again for a great series and I look forward to supporting this again next season. I probably can't assist in organising events, but I can certainly marshal and would also be happy to help out with timekeeping if there is someone willing to mentor me at this.

Paul Wilson
by DavidShort Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:15 pm
Hi Everyone,

I'm very grateful to all the excellent suggestions. I'm away in Kent for the week but I'll formalise the schedule for 2018 when I get back next week.

I think the Castle Howard circuit is definitively worth a try and I'll recce' and risk assess the proposed Hovingham circuit on my return. I propose to run 12 events in the series which is an increase on the 10 we had and which will give members plenty of choice to get their best 5 results, if competing in the league. Also the opportunity to officiate on circuits they don't favour.

The keys are enjoyment for all, the encouragement of members to give TT a try, at all times in safety.

Once again many thanks.

Kind regards David
TT Sec'

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