Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by ChrisR Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:49 pm
Thank you for organising Martin, hope everyone enjoyed their rides.
Pos. Race No, Name, Time (mm:ss)
1. #8 Richard Sharp 21:01
2. #16 Nathan Veall 21:50
3. #14 Andrew Jamieson 22:57
4. #15 Nigel Goscinski 23:00
5. #17 Gordon Johnson 24:30
6. #6 Keith Greenaway 24:40
7. #7 James Milner 24:44
8. #9 Jon Cocker 24:46
9. #11 David Short 25:21
10. #2 Bob Taylor 26:31
11. #12 Lucy Lewis 26:43
12. #4 Simon Donoghue 27:00
13. #10 David Brown 27:06
14. #18 Dominic Watt 27:21
15. #3 M Jeffrey 27:32
16. #13 Josie Lewis 27:52
17. #1 Alex Taylor 28:30
18. #5 Paul Wilson 28:48
19. #0 44:52
by DavidShort Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:25 pm
Many thanks to Martin for organising and Chris for time keeping and putting the results up. Thanks to marshals and assistants who collectively put on a great event.

Really good to see an excellent turn out of competitors representing a good cross section of the membership, young, not so young, ( ahem!), men and women. Everyone appears to have had an enjoyable event judging by the positive feedback I received. Some really good results and times. Congratulations Richard Sharpe who took the course record and who headed up the time sheet.

Once again, big thanks to everyone.

Next weeks event ,on the 27th July, is the final TT in the series. It is the rescheduled Ganthorpe, Terrington event which had to be cancelled a fortnight ago due to the weather.

I've put myself down to organise but I'll still need marshals and a timekeeper. It's the last TT of what has been a great series. Volunteers most welcome!

Kind regards David
TT Sec'
by Keith G Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:59 pm
I can't make next week as I'm on holiday so....

Thanks to everyone involved in making these events happen: organisers, time keepers and marshals and all other helpers. They're really enjoyable (well they are an hour after finishing), well run and peopled by welcoming types who don't seem to care if you're Tony Martin or Tony Blackburn. Special thanks to David Short and Dave Cook for getting me on board with Clifton CC and into these events which I should have started doing years ago!

I've really enjoyed my first season at having a proper go at TTs and in true Hollywood script style I saved my best for last. For a 10 miler I had hoped to break 26 mins this year but to break that and 25 mins in the same event is, well, rather mad. Really channeled my inner Froome tonight.

Thanks again and see you at the hill climb in October...
by Sharpy Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:32 pm
Massive thanks to all those involved, its been a great series and the events I have done have been excellent.

Looking forward to next years series already,

by IanH Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:48 pm
Well done Richard, I was taking rider numbers at the finish yours was just a blur as you flew past me.

Ian H.

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