Clifton CC Discussion Board

A place to talk about anything! Want to find someone to ride with? Get help on mending things? Organise lifts?

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by Cam B Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:04 pm
Just bumping this up the Board!
2 1/2 months to go. Thanks to those people who have offered to help so far but still plenty of opportunities to support your Club's events. By my reckoning we still need:

6 Marshalls for the BC race (in the afternoon)
2 drivers and 5 Marshalls for the LVRC race (in the morning)

We also someone to do the catering..... and some help with signing on and judging wouldn't go amiss either.

Don't be shy...Come on :D ! Please don't wait until the last minute to offer to help....We may have decided to cancel it well before then if we don't get enough people. It's your club putting it's name to these events after all.
by PhilBixby Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:28 pm
...and I'll bump it up again - under two months to go, and entries rolling in thick and fast for the vets race. Oldest entrant currently seventy-one, although I'm expecting older than that. So, some on folks, let's have some help on the morning please!

The Clifton LVRC race is a popular one - riders like the circuit and we also run all the age groups at the same distance, so the old blokes get to stretch their legs a bit more than usual. As a consequence there's always a good atmosphere and it's a bit of a celebration of the fact that cycling really can keep you seriously fit until you topple from your perch.

Many thanks to all who have already put their hands up to help. I still need two drivers and three marshals, please. Drivers don't need to be LVRC (or BC) members - you just need a car. Marshals need no experience - you'll get full guidance from the experienced CommunityTM blokes who you'll be paired up with.

Thanks in advance... :D
by Cam B Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:04 pm
Hope everyone who got out to see the Tour De Yorkshire this weekend enjoyed it. If you were able get out to that why not put a few hours aside on 11 June to support a couple of your club's events? :wink: We still need several Marshalls (for both races) plus one driver for the morning Vets race. Also need some help (for both races) in judging at the finish, signing on and catering. Please post here if you can help....It's all very much appreciated :D

Thanks to Andy Coates who is riding the LVRC race in the morning and will stick around to Marshall in the BC event in the afternoon. Cheers Andy :D
by PhilBixby Sat May 06, 2017 10:34 am
I was out and about in the square this morning doing a bit of leafletting of Clifton riders - if I gave you a "can you help" leaflet and you can, then please post here ASAP saying whether you're up for a morning's fun, an afternoon's fun, or a whole day of fun. :D

Thanks to the very wonderful Steve'n'Dawn I now have a full team of drivers for the morning vets race (hurrah!) but am short of four marshals. To spell it out again, no BC/LVRC membership is needed, you'll be working with the Community TM traffic management crew who will tell you exactly what needs doing, and you'll get a cracking view of the race close-up. If there's anyone for whom this all feels just too exciting, then I could do with someone to help with signing-on and judging the finish too, and again I won't let you loose on anything I'm not confident you can do.

The Giro's all very well, but the real heroes are over 40 and racing on Yorkshire's roads - help make it happen!

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