Clifton CC Discussion Board

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by Dr Dave Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:08 am
Plan is to ride out to watch the T de Y ride up Trapping Hill out of Lofthouse. As the race doesn't pass there until 3.30ish we are unlikely to get back to York (whether on round via Grewelthorpe or down via Pateley) much before 6pm. With this in mind (and to avoid a long wait at Lofthouse following an earlier arrival) it has been suggested we meet at 11am rather than the usual 10.

See you there :D

Keep pedalling!
by Dr Dave Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:44 pm
Graham R wrote:Dave, seeing there is no K ride Sat what's the pace going to be for Saturday as I would like to go up to loft house


If you found Kevin's group pace was easy/manageable you should be fine. OTOH If you felt that you were at or near the limit of the pace you could sustain then you might be in for a bit of a kicking on Saturday. Alternatively depending on who is out we could split into two groups.......

Keep pedalling!
by Dr Dave Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:12 pm
Some further discussion today around some riders meeting at 10 and having a steady ride out to Lofthouse and meeting the rest of us there.
I suggest if you want to do this you post below so folk know what their options are.
Plan for route home still flexible -probably go on round to Grewelthorpe and back via Ripon but can decide on the hoof. :D

Keep pedalling!
by Graham R Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:39 pm
Ref Dr Daves post, I'd like to go to loft house but after my ride with the A ride (lungs :D somewhere left on th wolds)I'd be happier to set off earlier and then meet up at lofthouse, if no one wants to do this I'll most probably take a ride to Knaresborough.
Many thanks for the company I actually did enjoy it, I think but I maybe delirious at the moment.
:D :D
by IanH Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:32 pm
If I feel ok tomorrow after today's A/Inters ride out to Garrowby and tonight's night out I will be in the square at 10 am for a much steadier ride to Lofthouse or wherever anyone feels like watching the race on route for those who feel as if they don't want to go as far but hopefully the majority will want to go to Lofthouse as we should have plenty of time.

Heading out towards Knaresborough and following the actual route of the stage or very close to it.

Would be good to see a few in the square from any group and stick together regrouping at the top of each climb as it stretches out according to climbing ability.

Ian H.

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