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by bernard turgoose Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:03 pm
Well judging by the numbers in the square on Saturday, already ready to go at 9.30 there is still a lot of interest in the The Challenge Series this year. I think that I counted 18 for the K & J group ride as we left the square on what I think was probably the best day of the year to date. Unfortunately I wasn't in top shape after suffering a cold all week, so I was going to have possibly rely on others to ensure that everybody got round using the correct route ( the K ride version any way).
Tradition route out to Thixendale saw Claire manage to stay with us to the top of the ridge after Kirby Underdale, it was very good to see her out again after the recent issues.
First climb was the one up past Gritts farm towards Fridaythorpe, and then after the left turn just in the village, we made for Burdale and the second climb over the old railway tunnel towards Wharram Percy, then a right turn onto the main round, before taking the first right back towards Burdale for the third climb towards Huggate to join the A166 for the left turn to Fridaythorpe and the café stop. I had to take a direct route from Burdale via Fimber as my cold started to catch up with me. Following the café we then went down past Gritts farm back Thixendale for the fourth climb from the village hall (Uncleby); where I continued with Ginie who was out for only her second ride of the year, through the valley bottom for what would be the main groups last climb to Leavening crossroads.
We waited at the cross roads to see the groupetto coming along the ridge to go back down the valley for their next to last climb past Robert Fullers. It was good to see so many out enjoying the fantastic weather and ride, well done everyone who managed to do the whole route, including the A group who had started out at 10.00.
On doubt there will be a few tales to tell at the social night on Wednesday, but don't forget next weekend is the Wiggy 100 Audax, form Wiggington Village hall - those who haven't already entered can do so on the day, but please get there before 9.30 to give the organiser time as it starts at 10.00. Hopefully I will be fully recovered in time.
by Rob Tue Mar 28, 2017 7:00 pm
My altimeter clocked a meagre 1800m of ascent on Sunday - the Spiro always feels like so much more than that. Guess it's partly the dead start to most of the climbs and the rough surfaces.

Some horse riders we passed called it a "good to be alive day", I couldn't have agreed more; the Wolds looked fantastic. We rattled off our 150k version without incident or mechanical, indeed htere was barely a foot down. We were home well before 4pm, which is unheard of for this ride. Well done to Steen, Pete and Matt for finishing it off after a couple of others had headed off early.

In other news, it's great to hear of Phil Bixby racing again (read all about it on the Racing Forum). Chapeau Phil!

Castleton this Sunday....
by DavidShort Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:14 am
A fantastic day and big thanks to Bernard for leading most of the day despite his cold taking it's toll. Suzie and I set off from Yearsley and intercepted the 'peloton' as it arrived in Buttercrambe. A most uplifting sight! What followed was a 'grand day out' in it's finest sense. Spectacular views confirming why we really do live in 'God's own County' shared in great company. We left the 'survivors' of all the climbs as we returned home at Howsham where we peeled off with Ian to keep us company for the last haul home. As ever, after a long day, Brandsby bank felt longer and steeper than normal. 89 miles in the bag. A brilliant day in the best company.

David & Suzie
Yearsley wing!
by Dr Dave Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:21 pm
For completeness I'll add the 'inters' ride contribution aka 10 green bottles ;)

11 left the square to do our variant of the route which I believe is the same as Rob's at approx 150 K: Joe, Stu, John B, Jon G, James, Rich, Tony, Jae, Kev M, Graham and self. Kev M had to be back early so turned at Bugthorpe and Tony's new bike had teething issues so he went back with Tony leaving 9 to climb up and over past the gallery. Then down Burdale and up past the quarry, L and L again to Birdsall, up Birdsall and L at the X-roads and back down to Thixendale.
At this point due to some confusion, Joe and John B continued on through the village and directly to the cafe via Thixendale Rd to Fridaythorpe whilst the rest of us climbed the Uncleby road and thence to the cafe via the 166, down the Huggate road and then back up then Thixendale Rd. The cafe was rammed with the K and J groups keeping the motorcyclists company.
After lunch it became clear that Joe had given his back a good tweak and so he and John plotted their own route whilst the remainder forged on - and then there was 7...
After the loop around towards Wharram Percy and then down past the quarry and thence back to Thixendale, time was getting on so Stu headed back with Jon G leaving only 5 to ascend back past Aldro Plantation to the X-roads again.
At this point Jae went straight on down towards Galley Gap leaving only 4 to descend the Uncleby road before the final climb up past the gallery. At the top James engaged warp drive and headed straight back and so that left just 3 of us to tap it out back into York.
All in all a grand day out - 97 miles for me so longest ride since early September. Thanks to all :)

Keep pedalling!

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